
Need to keep the highway runs on the low for now

:drivin =:{ :{

what does houston have to do with ontario? and why couldnt you have put this in your other thread?

i think this hits a little closer to home since we see that its a 350 thast been severed by a tree…

This is the guy who crashed his car…2 DAYS AFTER GETTING IT!

This is the guy who sold him the car

lol…i was gonna say the driver had to have owned a civic lol…and that link just confirmed what i was thinking

Just try to keep it civil on the streets… If you plan on doing anything stupid, do it without passengers, in a parking lot, or on the track…


^^^ I think on track, it’s safer to have passenger especially when there are helmet requirement.

^^this coming from someone who likes doing 260 on the highway. hehehehe.

that asian reporter is mad sexy… anyone else notice her?