dark nights????

my buddy is part of a cavalier club and he is goin to this thing. I was wondering if ne one from here is going or have herd of it?

I’ll be there to work… :slight_smile:

woo JRP

drop by the booth say hi and such.


Wow Cavalier Club! Lol with E.R.A.S.E. out I doubt many of us will be there. And last year was ho hum at best. Except for the one part when the CSCS girls danced it up and the one girl “accidentally” showed some kooch.

This girl’s kooch to be exact.

Damn :!: woulda been worth it, shes fine… :stuck_out_tongue: i may be going, got sum repairs first… boink fiberglass work :lol:

yeah im gunna be there, ill be there with a 95 yellow acura nsx, and a blue 600 hp del sole done up to the tits.

Im pretty sure the majority of people that are into cars have heard of it. As for people going, I’ll be there.

ill be there !! not with my car tho and if u guys plan to drive down be careful b/c u will get pulled over

I live maybe 5 minutes from the grounds and I suggest to those that are going to cut around and come at it from the north because 99.99% of people come from the south up to it, so the police set up on that side… I’ll be going too… remember to take the radar detectors down :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m driving my 93 chrysler dynasty heh heh I don’t think I’ll have any troubles :slight_smile:

Were gonna have a booth there

My neighbour got harassed because his SRT-4 had a “straight through exhaust”… you know… stock.

Last year I saw entire caravans get pulled over… its better to refuse to open your hood or let them look at anything. Come in quiet and they have nothing.

oh JI is going to have a booth again this year! what cars are you guys bringing out this year?

I Sir, would most definitely hit that. And then I’d come back and hit it again, for good measure :smiley:
600hp Del Sol? What is that… whp or AEM hp? If it actually did dyno that… damn… is the snail bigger than this?

I think I want to bring the Skyline GTS and the Silvia.

This sounds nice… I haven’t been there in ages… I’ll come down for sure.

Solarian, it has a GT35 turbo in it.

On what motor? How the hell does he drive that? That thing probably IS the same size as the one the cat was shoving it’s head in :smiley:

I have a GT30, a GT35 isn’t much bigger.