Just want to throw out a little update for everyone on what Daryll’s Car Audio is up to.
We are now the biggest Compustar dealer in the east coast region! no games and no playing, we kicked some serious ass this winter. That means a few things for you guys.
A. We do Manuals!
B. We can do some pretty cool shit with alarms and remote starters!
C. We are able to wheel and deal with you a little bit to get you a decent price
Car season is finally here. We do wiring in cars… think big:
Turbo Timer Installs
Gauge Pods
Fix the rats nest of a stereo your “cousin” put in
Custom Installations on not just stereos and subwoofers. A little creativity in mounting something can make all the difference in a car.
While on my way out to Watkins Glenn today I had a thought, I don’t know if you guys know this but we also carry radar detector and laser shifters that permanently install into your car. They aren’t cheap but then neither are speeding tickets. Just a thought.
Look for our coupons on the back of Top’s receipts now too!
Most of all, come in and say Hi. Alot of us at Daryll’s are from this board or others in the area.
Can you get me a remote for my wifes remote starter, the box is just black and there is no identification on the dam thing anywhere. Its a 99 grand cherokee?
It depends on what is in there… I can certainly take a look… you may be better off getting a new unit with al the new features… bring the whip by and I will take a look.
I am at the Dick Rd store, tho it doesn’t matter. just tell whoever you talk to that you are from NYspeed and I sent you in.
As a little side note… We have Eclipse head units again! They have come back around with a 1 year theft warranty and 3 year warranty. Come check them out. they really do have some pretty nice features.