anyone know how to remove the dash pad to get access to the gauges to install white faces on a 94 camaro?
just remove the two 7mm screws above the colum,than pop it out!
4, 7mm screws hold in the cluster remove & pull out!
i thought the pad itself was held in with a few plastic push in studs. then after the pad came off there were 2 7mm bolts to take out?
than why u asking,u dont need to take off the pad,just the cluster cover
im asking because i didnt know of an easier way to do it. thanks for the help though.:bigok:
white faced guages for tha muthafikin lose. fag.
i think if pewterss charge for all the free advice and diagonosing he does he be i millionair
suck a dick :greddy: :tool:
97 and up, 2 7mm for the bezzal and 4 7mm that hold the cluster down. 93-96 snap the top dash panal off, then drop the lower panel under the sterring column, then there should be a few 7mm holding the mid section in place, then 4 7mm the pull the cluster out. becareful when pulling the top dash peice off. they break easy and people ask big bucs for that. on ebay they go over 100