Data log files

I’m going to get some DataMaster data log files soon. I understand some of the parameters but I’m still learning a lot of it. Does anyone familiar enough with MAP, long term & short term, O2 readings, spark advance, knock count, IAC, etc to look over what I get?

TPS is good, goes from 0 to 100%. That’s one down. :slight_smile:

On a side note, I tried shifting out of park to push the car forward a little and it wouldn’t come out of park. Unhooked the brake interlock solenoid wire and it’s good now. Screw it, I’m not replacing the solenoid! Who needs safety features.

yea im familar with HPtuners and LS1s im sure i can figure out a Lturd1s software

:cool: Should be similar to a lot of engine sensors and controls.

I can save it as a .csv file (comma delimited) in Excel. I don’t think you even need the software to view it then. Not as convenient to view as the graphs.

I know what they all do a 3800 series II engine :smiley: I guess they’re all pretty much the same on an EFI engine

If you log something download it on and post up a link.

brake light switch working properly jeff?

Yeah, brake lights are fine. Looks like it’s the interlock solenoid. The button on the shift handle has been getting hard to enagge for the past few years. I guess I should replace it - always that 1 in a million chance that my little one could climb in the car and take it out of gear.

if they are like mine its a given:)

post up the .UNI file…

I’m still pretty new with PCM tuning and logging but I’ll give it a shot… :slight_smile:

yeah same here

Here’s the log file running in the garage. Stayed on the gas just enough to keep it running, took it up a little more part way through.

I’ll take a look when I get home.

Have you changed anything in the tune yet for the new motor?

It’s a mail order from PCMforLess for the new displacement and cam (and minus EGR and AIR).

The spark retard from the knock has me a little concerned. I’m tempted to siphon the gas out of the tank (which has been in there since last fall with some stablizer added) and put in some fresh higher octane gas. At least it would be one less variable.

Thanks for the help!

it wont let me open the file. it says save :ugh: get a damm ls1 so i could actually log/scan/tune that setup lol

what are you using for software

TTS Datamaster

have no clue what that is

did the world just stop?

:rofl: I knew there had to eventually be something he didn’t know about. How much can you expect one single human being to store in their head!

Besides, it’s for those ancient OBDI systems. But you get 20 free data logs beofre you have to buy it. :bigthumb:

First the disclaimer, I’m a total novice with this so… :smiley:

Anyway, the spark retard isn’t the concern so much as the knock… When the PCM senses knock it retards the timing a bit…

I think your idle problem may be related to your IAC, the log is showing it at 150-160 thru the whole log. This seems awefully high… Typically it’s around 30-50 depending on desired idle RPM…

Do you have the acutal BIN file or did you send the actual PCM in the mail? I’d be curious to take a look.

I noticed that about the IAC too. Not sure if it’s overcompensting because of some other reason for it not wanting to idle, or maybe the pintle is sticking.

And yes I have the .bin file.

If it’s cammed IAC counts are going to be high until complete warmup then settle to around 80 counts.

Log MAP kpa vs. RPM for LTFT’s(Long term fuel trims). Trim will learn themselves and usually take about 50 miles of driving so idling in the garage isn’t going to help there. Trims should settle between -5 and 0. If they sit on the positive side then the PCM won’t zero them out for WOT PE.

Should be using Tuner Cats or LT1edit unless you are just logging to see how close the tune is.

GM’s fueling when dialing in trims are pretty basic, Lt1,LS1, ect. Alpha N is where it’s at though. Custom OS’s for the LS1’s from EFILive are the shit.

You should pick up a WB though and use their logging software to be sure you’re safe during PE.