I’ve been teaching myself how to make simple databases for crap here at work. We have about a bajillion old drawings in a seperate building and we’re scanning them in and putting them to disk… yadda yadda yadda. So I made a way to add them into the database and was lookin to tweak it a bit. This is where i need help. If you’re familiar with some aspects of this let me know. Here is the URL. http://www.widmerengineers.com/archives/ I know it’s not as cool as pittspeed.com but oh well. My main question concerns adding entries into the database. Some of the fields are s’posed to be multiple choice and would like a pulldown menu instead of a text entry field. I’m stumped on this one…
so something like
<option selected value=“add_value”>input data here </option>
<option value=“archive_location”>Location</option>
<option value=“title”>Title</option>
<option value=“sheet_number”>Sheet Number</option>
<option value=“archive_location”>Archive Location</option>
<option value=“sheet_number”>Sheet Number</option>
<option value=“ddate”>Date</option>
specifically I would like drawing type to be a 3 option pulldown with WIDMER, QUAD, and NON-WE as options.
plug n play
<input TYPE=“hidden” NAME=“VTI-GROUP” VALUE=“0”>
<p><font color="#008080"><b><br>
File Name</b><br>
<input name=“file_name” size=“50” value="" maxlength=“50”><br>
<b>Archive Location</b><br>
<input type=“TEXT” name=“archive_location” size=“50” value="" maxlength=“50”><br>
<input type=“TEXT” name=“title” size=“50” value="" maxlength=“50”><br>
<b>Sheet Number</b><br>
<input type=“TEXT” name=“sheet_number” size=“50” value="" maxlength=“50”><br>
<b>Job Number</b><br>
<input type=“TEXT” name=“job_number” size=“50” value="" maxlength=“50”><br>
<input type=“TEXT” name=“ddate” size=“50” value=“6/17/2004”><br>
<input type=“TEXT” name=“notes” size=“50” value="" maxlength=“64”><br>
<b>Drawing Type</b><br>
<option selected value=“Drawing Type”>types of drawings? </option>
<option value=“type_1”>WINDMER</option>
<option value=“type_2”>Quad</option>
<option value=“type_3”>Non-WE</option>
<input type=“TEXT” name=“company” size=“50” value="" maxlength=“50”><br>
<input type=“TEXT” name=“coordinates” size=“50” value="" maxlength=“50”></font><br>
databases are for pussies
that would get you a drop down…don’tknow about the input string… guess i’d have to play around with it… plus html editing via notepad ownz
cool, I got it…
i can help you when i am at home, you are using asp its really easy!
Thanks whitey. I might have some more questions as I get more involved. I know asp is easy, thats why I chose to use it. I learned some SQL and Oracle in school but I didn’t retain that knowledge too well.
EDIT: everyone else beat me to it… I typed too slow.
so i was on the right track… <option> is all that is needed… woot
yay for a programming-hater
i got books on SQL if you ever need me to reference anything
i can install and implement a SQL server… :dunno:
I can install a cock…
in your ass… :dunno:
im going to have to do some referance this summer. my work wants me to add to thier webpage the ability to make reservations on-line. sounds like a pain, but after taking a look at this doesnt seem too bad
in what language? get them to run asp.net and you could have it running in like a day once you learned the language
whatever language i want. its part of my internship to redesign the webpage, then they want me to add it so people can make reservations online. any reccomidations on books to learn asp.net??? id like to learn seeing that ill graduate in a semester and its the new hot thing.
here is the current page
and whitey, since you like golf you should look into joining highland, right now they are trying to attract younger members and its crazy cheap. like $100/mo with no minimum
We should all join for a month and see how long it takes us to get thrown out.
im going to have to do some referance this summer. my work wants me to add to thier webpage the ability to make reservations on-line. sounds like a pain, but after taking a look at this doesnt seem too bad
Ouch… if they want the credit card info and stuff you’ll have to make it secure. I don’t know how to do that stuff. Never needed to know.
nah cause the entire club just runs on chits, and bills them at the end of the month