
Tyler (to be 3 in Oct.) 1st said- Da Da
Dylan (to be 2 in Feb.) 1st said- Ma Ma
if you want to count them as words.

2 boys, no chance at trying for a girl.

Cheeks dont know what he’s talking about…



awesome story BTW

I did it for whitey… he likes it.

hahahahahahhahaha… I’m sure that is quote material.

Why not try for a girl… I can tell you how to do it

It worked for us. We bought a book.

all 4’s he goes she goes? (tried to keep it clean)

and why, well $$$ once i make my 4th million :kekegay: maybe then, but i heard that after the 3rd the body never goes back to normal? :dunno:
-belive me i mean no disrespect by that to you, i heard you are an exception to that-

or you got lucky!!! 50/50 shot


you made me blush… hahahaha

I have had 3 kids, youngest is almost 10 months… I wore a bikini to the pool a couple weeks ago and had lurkers around… until Eurodaddy showed to let them see who’s boss

She can get her body back if she watches what she eats… I am opposed to intentional excercise.

We only change how we had sex 2 times in 9 years… those two times were in the same week I got pregnant with Steph… I think it is pretty damn accurate…

We also have a pretty damn accurate idea of how to tell what sex the baby is when your pregnant without a sonagram.

I am very in touch with my body and hormones.

I’m not sure what that means…quite try to keep it clean and say it

pics for proof!:slight_smile:

Fine… sorry no penny…


Whoa. Hormones are out of whack. :smiley:



That is “Uncle Mikey”… Get Don to tell you about him sometime

okay no more clean ness.

Doggy style, hit it from the back, man unloads 1st but continues to hammer it, then and untill she starts to screem and quiver, but dont stop there, keep on nailing it. ?

Hows that for dirty? Thats the way i was told to try for the girl, appearantly, its the wild ruffness that unleashes the female chromosone, (x)? and since the males die off in there first (Y)? the continued pounding launches the X into position?


that’s not right. both my boys were made doggie style with the women having the orgasm first.

for my daughter the book said missionary and no female orgasm(meaning a quicky) and it worked. and according to the book the boys were right too. also, the girl x sperm live longer than the boy y sperm, the way to do it is blow it the day before the egg drops. the girl sperm supposedly are still alive…

you just got lucky or where lying about how long you last.

i just can’t wait till your kids are on the board and read this! hahaha