David and Goliath...

taken outside of my shop about 5 minutes ago…



thats my friend jays car!

No shit? I didn’t realize Smarts were for sale yet…here anyway. Canadian, possibly?

I freakin love the things.

which one? the mack?


yea it has Ontario plates on it

I’ve seen his car. Its pretty roomy too.

lol no shit

I saw it merging onto the 290 from the I90 a while ago. It was damned windy and could of sworn that the 2 tires on the drivers side about left the asphalt on a particularly strong gust

wii would like to play?

Is it even possible to register them here? Like if you bought it in Canada and brought it down.

I see them all the time when I’m in Canada. They aren’t bad.

dont these perform pretty well in crash tests??

Fuck jay Smolinski, and fuck his smart car.

I drove that thing from the ritz to taffy’s one afternoon. Everyone is so god damn happy to see you.

from this vid, I certainly wouldn’t want to be in one in a wreck, especially a head on collision

The car’s structure performs great.

The occupants internal organs however… not so good.

Normally the odds of not finding a good parking spot are greater than those of getting into a serious accident.



Ummm, no… Definately not.

thats Jay’s car, he just needs to find some hot 3 lug rims for it

crumple it up and throw it away

ya his dad bought it in canada