
whos changing your saying below your avatar, it said

m3 and sti kill
I<3 m3’s and sti
Fuck m3’s and sti’s

I think its benny :shifty, thread is point less but i thought it was funny


thank you.

Sigh, ok here we go again. Extending my open challenge to any Honda owner claiming they are an “M3 Killer.”

ill take an m3 when my car comes out…

o rly now. When’s that? ;D

mid-late april…

i’ll take an m3 and sti …lol… as long at they cant shift out of 1st gear

x2 :lol

How about a 1st gear 1 mile race?

The last Honda I drove had a first gear that went out to like 65mph so I’d definitely lose that one.

teehee last honda i drove would do 91mph in 1st gear at 15,500 rpms… :banana… but yeah… it also had a better power to weight ratio than your car as well jesse… your car just turns like something out of the jetsons. :runaway

HAHA Thats a good question.

But i will keep puttin it back so whoevers doin it, is waisting their time

trav the last honda ya rode also broke ya so dont be braggin to much :crackup :nono :idiots

it broke due to impact …not due to mechanical failure.

ill take an sti and a M3 :nod ;D

wasnt talkin mechanical fail it was a rider fail :rofl :gay

I’ll take an M3 :nod

kosta kosta kosta … not mine you won’t … joey we gotta run sometime this summer without spray I wanna see how ill do against you

I can beat m3’s and sti too :wtf

psshh sti’s and m3’s…benny’s beater sentra can even walk all over them :rofl

Your definitely on you imposter!