De-criminalize all drugs

My beer thing just went off.

Wait, FUCK! Ughhhh…

The one shot addiction thing is my only concern with full legalization. I look at my middle class “good family” upbringing and I tried booze, cigs and pot, the first two readily available because they were legal and the other readily available because while illegal, still generally ignored for casual use. If heroine was ready available via legal channels I think the chances of “good” kids trying it go way up as compared to now where it’s a highly illegal substance. At that experimentation age no kid believes the “one hit addiction” thing is going to be them either, and unlike the BS they fed us in high school about pot being “one try dangerous” heroine actually is that dangerous.

Where would the CIA people get all of their money if you de-criminalize it?

Young kids in high school and college are stupider than you guys think. It’s not a time in my life where I was fully in touch with the consequences of my actions.

For the majority of inmates the non violent offenders are Just what They got caught for.

Frank White: You think ambushing me in some nightclub’s gonna stop what makes people take drugs? This country spends $100 billion a year on getting high, and it’s not because of me. All that time I was wasting in jail, it just got worse. I’m not your problem. I’m just a businessman.


This is true. The generation in school is known for eyeballing vodka and also soaking tampons in vodka and shoving them up their vag and ass to get drunk quicker.The world is a crowded place so if they just let these people kill themselves off and stop wasting tax payer dollars protecting them, maybe the world would be a better place.

that whole junkies dieing more thing i just kind of left it out, figured everyone would see that as part of the reasons without coming out and saying it…

I can’t wait for corporations to be actively marketing coke and heroin, I’m sure use will go down.

Did alcohol consumption go down after prohibition?

My biggest problem with the “legalize everything” argument is not that I care what people do to themselves, it’s the consequences that others have to deal with and pay for that I don’t like. I don’t want more people driving under the influence, making other poor choices, robbing people to pay for their addiction (only difference would be it goes to a corporation), taking up lots of medical care they don’t pay for, and so on…

does the government tax alcohol much? if not they should.

Don’t worry Blue, it will be covered under Medicaid because of the ADA. lol

in many states, privately owned liquor stores don’t exist at all. They are county run in NC, so the states get all profits off of hard liquor.

Damn it, I want to jump in on this but its bedtime. When it gets moved to politisuck i’ll be all over it at work :lol:
I will say I’m closest to Fry’s viewpoint. Legalize, tax, devote resources to better causes.

I didn’t read anyone’s post but I will interject my opinions.

-The single largest problem with marijuana legalization is all the inaccurate propaganda that has been and continues to be spread by the government.
-Legalize pot, DOUBLE penalties on the physically addictive and destructive (coke, heroin, meth, etc.).
-However, IF legal, an organized dispensary system needs to be in place or you will still have thugs competing for a profit on the streets.
-Does any really want to put LEGAL bath salts and synthetic THC in their body?

Watch Superhigh Me and Woody Harleson’s rehashed documentaries, neither are very good and are filled with flashy bullet points, but there are still some good points being made in both films. Even if you disagree with the issue, at the very least objectively listen to their arguments.

Whatever happens, we need to start with realistic education at a young age. I’m not sure if anything has changed, but my generation went through the useless DARE program. The whole “don’t do drugs period” preaching, which basically grouped pot in with every actual dangerous substance, and threw alcohol in there too. Then we all got to high school, and realized that pot and alcohol in moderate amounts wasn’t going to immediately going to turn us into junkie losers, and learned to take anything they told us with a grain of salt. Any factual information they told us was now nullified, leaving us to make our own decisions. Same with those absurd commercials that routinely make me literally LOL. I never tried anything beyond pot, which I haven’t done in years, but I’m still pro-legalization. I was lucky enough to have a good upbringing and honest parents with realistic expectations, so I never felt the need to try anything else. Not everyone is that lucky. Kids will always rebel, you might as well give them realistic education. With all the new things kids are doing these days, it’s time to stop categorizing all drugs as the same and be honest about the effects of each one. There are plenty of serious addicts who are in and out of the system for non-violent crimes, sounds like a great community service to bring some to school to talk to kids and show the REAL effects of certain drugs.

I love the, “sorry, I was getting high” commercials.

Yeah, the baby drowned in the pool cuz of pot.


The baby drowned in the pool cuz she was a cunt and the pot heads were playing video games. The only effect pot had was on the kill/death ratio in COD.


same thing happens with alcohol so I’m with you there.

A friend posted this the other day on Facebook, it really goes in-depth on how useless and wasteful the war on drugs is.

Nothing will become legal until the country is broke, just like prohibition.