Dead Motherboard?

I’m replacing my buddy’s Motherboard as the on board video died on his old one. I get the new one in, double check everything is hooked up properly, go to turn it on and nothing. I can here a slight hum coming from the power supply but everything else remains dead. I double checked everything and even tried a second power supply and still nothing. So do you think it is safe to assume the new motherboard is DOA?

Maybe the power supply is bad and toasted the old mother board :slight_smile: and now the new one…

It’s pretty common…

You did use stand offs on the new mother board? its not contacting the case anywhere?

Backing up: How do you know it was the video on the mother board that went in the first place?

Could be but wouldn’t I probably see a flicker of life instead of nothing? When the old mobo was in the computer would turn on fine, there was just no signal out due to the dead on board video. Yes I am using standoffs and it appears to not be touching anywhere.

Because when you plug a video card into the pci slot it worked fine, it was just an issue with the on board video. I tried a bunch of things without any success so instead of buying a video card he decided on a new mobo and a more ram since he only had 512mb before.