i can never tell for sure if a hard drive is dead. i go to start my computer this morning and it would not start up. it would turn on but would not start up. so im figuring its the hard drive i take it out and plug it into my sisters computer cause i have to get a project off of it and i got all the information i needed.

does it sound like the hard drive died or something else?

Well unless I missed it, do you get any kind of error message/what does it do?

This is like driving a car to a repair place and telling them your car is broke, and not telling them what is broken.

no i didnt get any error message or anything the computer just wont start up. monitor does not turn on, optical mouse wont turn on etc. there is power cause i can still open and close my cd drives and stuff.

power connector bad or power supply going? unplug the CD drives power and plug it into your hard drive and leave the cd unplugged.

^yup still did the same thing

I had this happen this week, drives dies for a day. All the tests show ts fine, now it seems to work fine. :gotme:

I would get Hiren’s Boot Disk. It managed to save 98% of my data.
Check the manufacturers website for warranty, most have 3-5 year warranties.
Buy a new one, they’re crazy cheap now.

reset your BIOS…there is a 2-pin jumper on your motherboard on a three pin row. With your computer powered but not on…move the jumper to the other pins for a couple seconds then move back.

Look it up so you don’t break noting lol

where do you get Hiren’s Boot Disk there is not link that i could find to download it

Are you saying you got your information off the hard drive by putting it on your sister computer or no??? im comfused there

yes i got the project that i need to do off the hard drive by putting it in my sisters

ya so obviously the HD isn’t dead…so its either bad power supply but they usually just completly die…or the BIOS is Corrupt. Do what i said…it only takes a second.

I am doubting this is a Bios issue your power supply its most likely dead

if its the power supply then y does the fans start and i can use the cd drives?

i would think that they would not work at all; or is it just that there is just enought power to use those things?

power supply is putting out like 3 watts to open and close the cd tray

You try turning it on with the hard drive unplugged both the ide/power cable from the hard drive un plugged?

^ no i didnt do that i didnt think it would even work without the power cable

does it at least show the bios screen/boot up sequence? Can you hear the HDD spool up?

The fans all work, along with the CD drives… but your getting no picture? nor is the mouse/keyboard working?

I’d be willing to bet something popped on the mobo or your PSU is on it’s last leg.

I was interested to see if you could get into the bios with everything unplugged.

no it does not show the bios/setup screen cause the monitor does not even turn on at all, it stays in standby mode as if i never touched the computer. i can hear the HD try to start (makes a little buzzing noise) but nothing after that. when i put it in my sisters computer i could hear it start right up though.

You have another video card?