deadbeat @ age 18

thats TDI_Logik.


Nice quote.

and you can quote me on the quote:lol


watermellon size head

No way! I see chicks throwin 25 plates on each side and reppin out:lol

werd! saw this little tiny thing put up 125 last week. Her bf put up significantly less :haha

:lol Thats awesome. There is one body building chick that goes to BF that puts up 315 10X. Makes me feel like a little bitch when im benching next to her lol

wow, they let people do that much at BF? :rofl

I wouldn’t bench next to her, simple as that. Does she sound like a man?

When she grunts…yeah lol. Im 99.9% sure shes on roids and test

I’m 100 percent sure that is un-natural.

:lol Word!

you lie!!! her name is leni St martin and she has never done that from what i have seen. most i have seen her do is 275 for 2-3 with assistance from her hubby / soon to be ex hubby mark. i have seen her attempt 315 and fail.

i have know leni for some time now. she use to go to Fitness Factory back in the day and i remember when she was training for her first show. Joe cox was training her, hes a good guy.

now adays she is trying to become more fem.

ps: this convo doesnt leave this forum

I’m telling


You are def right about a few things. She doesnt do it anymore, and she has “shrunk” quite a bit in size and def looks more feminine now! But i swear to god she was putting up 315, ive seen it. Shes actually really cool, she scared me at first, but shes mad nice.

Oh and is her husband the jacked Nazi lookin dude?

Did she also go to PF at one point? I saw a very jacked woman there benching quite an amount as well. Very nice though.

There is absolutely nothing cool about a woman bench pressing an excess amount of weight.

body builder girls are gross… tone and fit girls, are excellent

u lie. i have seen the attempts and they werent pretty. espically not 10x pretty. trust me man.

and mark is a decent sixed dude, bald head, tat on head and possibly one of the craziest dudes i know. dont fuck with him. but he is a nice guy.