
will i ever friggen win?
shake shake shake

shit, i knew it

yeah that COULD HAVE, but didnt damage anything

how did this thread get so turned around that it sounds like im the one at fault here? :nuts

Well the blood pressure monitor that fell out of an ambulance near my house COULD have caused somebody to swerve and crash, but now it’s a cool item that we may or may not have in my house. As well as about 5 tools left behind by National Grid workers :mwahaha

win on your behalf. what kind of tools may, or may not have made their way into your posession?

Might have some pump pliers, bolt cutters, a tape measure, and a huge wrench, or might not

I also have a sweet piece of molten rock from when they fucked up and a cut powerline fell right on the ground and started burning stuff.

nice. bolt cutters are always good to maybe have around

Free pliers


:rofl papa Lance cherish’s that thing :lmao

I got a couple pairs of bolt cutters :ninja

That statement alone told me why you go to the dealership to get your oil changed. Your DRIVE/SERPENTINE belts are NOT the same as your TIMING belt. The pliers would’ve hit one of those belts which would NOT cost you your motor.

zing… thats why the timing belt has the plastic covers on it. if the pliers got into the serp belt it would have popped it off, not the end of the world… and even if the timing jumped somehow on that car, you wouldnt shatter valves or pistons. youd bend atleast 6 of the 30 thats for sure.

This thread = fail

lock and ban

yup. ban votlindum for being a tard

lock 2 and ban 2

thats 6 too many, and i dont think it would run well on 24

lock ban 3

yea yea yea.

thanks for all the HUGE help