dealing weed is a no no (now with pics, 56K gets hit by the S.W.A.T. van)

look on version 2 thread… and the R6 is sold to coldaccord… just waitign on full payment but already took a downpayment :smiley:

the big brown van is the one they came in… sneaky sneaky. sorry about the bad quality… it was gettign dark and they were through the window.

also the big green sticker on the window is the reason for the raid/warrant

I saw a raid at Grant and Amherst last summer. Buffalo cops + County Sheriffs + SWAT + 6am = not a good time

you’re lucky they didn’t see you in the sti and think you’re affiliated. haha

huh? where? the firehouse? BK? lol…jk

Yeah …I’ve seen a couple…It happens a lot on the west side…lol…

merged. Keep it all in one thread please.

wow…dude…You can get fucked for those pics …You know that right…bahahha…and i saved them in my pc too,…wow…hhmmm

ok…give me 100 and i’ll leave you alone…lol,jk

sorry for the double thread.

My friend Alisha from my math class said some of her former friends got arrested in a drug bust…she stopped doin drugs so they stoped hangin out with her lol…they got what they deserved.

i saw something similar to that downtowin in toronto when i was walking on the street with some friends at like 2pm…all of a sudden cops and giant SWAT vans showed up and blocked the street in and raided a house…

interesting to see…but its gotta suck for whoever got raided, lol

why mess with kids with weed…we dont bother anyone, just eat eveything…

crack down on alcoholics, they start fights, stoners just chill…

why was this bumped?


:noob: 's

:snky: :tspry:

All kinds of oldness in here.

negative import.

#1 reason-it was a funny old thread
#2 reason- maby not too funny, but i was stoned
#3 reason- i just smoked
#4 reason- it would suck if that happened to you… waist of weed

i bet there weed was :crap: anyways…

#1 not really.
#2 lmao
#3 same here. <–with coffee. lol
#4 i dont deal weed… i smoke the shit.

agreed, it was probably garbage.


disrepected mah famiry