Dear Administrator

A Bullet?


as long as it killed me I dont give a fuck


compare pay stubs… don’t you live at home?

Nothing wrong with living at home. I live at home too, but I could be on my own no problem (house or nice apartment). I’m only at home because:

  1. Why waste money when I don’t need to on things such as school tax, etc. I help out my parents with whatever they need and they in turn help me. Unlike many young people, I actually get along with my parents and don’t need to leave home/town as soon as I turned 18 to ‘get away’.
  2. Get to live in the peace and quiet of the country
  3. My parents are older and need me around. Mom is very sick and can’t take care of the land (mowing a crap load, crops and orchard) with my dad anymore so he needs me around.

But seriously…compare pay stubs? How old are we?

Im not saying theres anything wrong with living at home… but when you wanna show off and act like a baller, you shouldn’t live at home.

Great story Kevin

great come back

There is simply no need for a comeback when your trashy insult was about as pathetic as our governments way of adding more money into circulation.

Pidars ITT


I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that there is something functionally wrong with living at home past 25

:popcorn hahahha. I will add to that, if you’re over 20 and you still don’t have your own car insurance there is something functionally wrong.

I’m going to go even farther out on a limb…

Either mama’s boy or a leach.

Aside from parental health issues and related family obligations.

If you are 25 and can’t leave because your mom cooks, cleans, does laundry…and you can’t get over said “leaching” tendencies…

  1. Go on

  2. Date Susie Homemaker.

  3. Get apartment.

  4. Have all the things done for you (if you play your cards right) and get your noodle wet.

Plan could be complete in less than 8 months and then you can flash pay checks like a boss.

You are 5yrs late to the party though. GWTP.

If you’re over 21 and don’t take care of everything yourself and still have your parents paying for your phone service, car insurance(and car payment if its that bad), any other bills…something is functionally wrong. Even worse if you have a 4 year college degree(not aiming at any single person) :rofl

Where do I submit my paystub?

:rofl :rofl

Laborers ITT.

Hate to break it to you, but if there wasn’t laborers you snooty fucks wouldn’t be able to get your cars fixed, new roof put on your house, your plumbing fixed etc…

I’ve actually met Ilya before and he is a cool dude for sure. I was just trying to show him how he was wrong again like in the Hurricane Sandy thread. His responses are actually funny but clearly a lot of you here have such low self esteem that you always seem have to find something negative to say about another person instead of listening to what they have to say.