Dear Administrator

whos in high school again?

i am



Living at home preventing people from getting laid. If someone really wants to get laid, its that not hard to make happen.

Anyways lets get the thread back on track with Alpine telling people to suck dicks and Ilya being his usual punching-bag self.


not a god damn thing.

What we have here is a bonified trolling posative reinforcing loop.

Deft some spoiled fucks I.t.t , I have been on my own since 16 not by choice . I don’t live a glorious life , I bust my dick for what I have . In my eyes unless ya helping your parents due to med issues with them u need to be out around age 21 ! Even if I could I don’t think I could live with my mom again .

It’s not up to anyone on this site to determine when one should leave their house in which they live with parents.

I live at home, pay all my bills and even if I had my own place to live I would be at my parents house a majority of the day anyways because I like being around them. maybe if I wanted to start a family It’d be different but I have no desire for children and I dont think it will change anytime soon as well.

If your completely independent of them its one thing , but to ride the train is another .


Yea true…

