Dear Administrator

Nobody is acting like a ‘baller’ you’re just getting yourself involved in conversations which do not concern you and are therefore uninformed on the material at hand. Seeing as how you relate material objects with success, it is clear that you have your priorities mixed up which is probably why you live (lived?) in a trash can in Albany with the floor caving in. I almost feel bad for you, and I wish you all the best in the future. I don’t have time to respond to each and every one of your leeching statements, so let this serve as the sole response from here on out.

Take care.

Your “professional” sounding responses aren’t fooling anyone.

Lots of people who obviously just don’t get it itt…

WTF is going on in here?

There is nothing wrong with living at home UNLESS you are a leach (which I am not, I am 99% self sufficient - the 1% being that I don’t have my own place due to reasons listed before).

The refrigerator doesn’t count in terms of leeching. If you contribute bacon then the rest becomes fair game…

People wonder why they can’t get laid…

They usually live with their parents. It’s a chain reaction.


You just need friends with nice apartments and then you can # away over there.

Haha the thing is… I never acted like a big shot.

big shots ITT

i live in a camper next to my dads summer cabin. does that count as living at my dads?

Chris Leo-tard

Kevin Murray = White Trash


i know what everybody has been thinking… and yes, an arm wrestling contest is the only way out of this mess

To be young again…

Why am I white trash?

followed by whoever can chug a 24oz Mountain Dew without any coming out of their nose

Shut up chip! Ill come at you like a spider monkey! I’m all hopped up on Mountain Dew!

Didn’t stop me in highschool. If you really want that shit to happen, you find a way to make it happen.
