Dear Howard and Redline fanbois alike

butters, stop stalking.

Im not Pete or Joey. I just looked at who was on.

does RLMS have a personal tow truck?

not that Ive seen

your a genuine PUTZ, i searched PJB F150 on google and all your lousy shit apperad and some copy+ paste was done

and youre like an itch that wont go away.

brb, gotta google butters

ps: i find nothing!!! u lie pete!

search pjb F150

But why do you need to?

Anyway, back to Redline making windows in blocks.

Ya got me! how did ya know??? Must of been my I love Redline T-shirt! Knew I shouldn’t have made that!

But your the moron for considering them to some work for you if all you hear is burn after burn…its like sleeping with a girl you know has aids, it doesn’t make any sense.

I could care less about Redline to be honest, I just don’t see why you started a thread about this when I remember a while back a thread about Howard’s shop, people know the stories its nothing new. Move on find a another shop to get work done.

i considered him b4 i knew the stories u asshat!

maybe im trying to shed some light to others who are considering redline. maybe howard himself will come shed some light on the topics at hand here.

if u care less, then y do u care so much about this thread?

Yikes…thats pretty solid lol.:ahh

Well…is she fuckin slammin hot or what?? :lol

so where fighting about a shop that 98% of the people on this forum can’t use/afford.

howard builds high hp motors/cars, he tells most customers who want more then I/H/E work done that engine work will be needed. most decline the engine work until it’s “needed” and tell howard to do the work anyway.

the ones that want nitrous on a stock motor are the ones that we hear the horror stories about b/c the customer wants to test the limits not howard.

it just seems like you guys are out for a witch hunt towards redline due to “all the burn stories” yet how many of the customers cars that he’s “messed up” have come on here and talked shit about howard/redline?

dude, u know it! :thumbup

i wasnt hugged enough as a kid so i have to take it out on someone.

I almost spit my drink out :lol

hot girls dont get aids, just herps

When hot girls get herpes the wear merkins to cover them up

Merkin - Wikipedia
