Dear Nissan

I agree totally, The cars don’t have individuality. Sad really.

They should be there to begin with.[/quote]

I jsut dont like complicated dashes with too much in them … S13 is perfect and simple that you can add them if you want after …

nowdays they still have no room and put small hideaway cupholders inthe worst places …

make a twin turbo version of the new Z, and maybe a turbo 4 banger rwd for the not-so-rich.

don’t you wanna compete with the srt-4 and mazdapseed 5 Nissan? help us out! the new nissan car owners are getting their asses handed to them!

I am finding myself agreeing with a bunch of you. Going back to the datsun roots would be awesome, cars are getting too heavy and looking too similar. We need a new cheap rwd sports car to fool around with. But in Nissan’s defence, they probably make all their vehicles have the same look so that you can identify it as a nissan.

And without a MAF.

My List:

  1. Turbo 4 Cylinder Motor (LEGAL IN CANADA)
  2. Turbo Super 4 Cylinder Motor (I’m a sucker for the March)
  3. GET BACK OLD DESIGN TEAM (Pre-2001 Team, sick of the same looking cars)
  4. Turbo FWD (Legal in Canada, again)
  5. Turbo RWD (Legal in Canada, again)
  6. More Performance, Less SUVs

Thats all i can think of right now.

but RWD is dangerous and nobody will buy it in todays market

I think you screwed up… Its DANGEROUSLY FUN

I think that the problem is Nissan is simply looking at sales. People want either bigger luxury cars, or they want little econo-boxes. They really do need to bring back a cheaper RWD platform though. That would be sweet, who cares if its NA. Putting a turbo on would be just that much more fun.

They do need to make something. I know it’s FWD, but the new Eclipse (while ugly as sin) is close in performance to the 350z for a much better price. While that’s hard to match since mitsubishi cuts corners here and there, they can get away with making something cool. I mean c’mon, Mazda has the Miata, GM has the solstice/sky (all RWD convertibles). Nobody has a little RWD coupe out really, and that would give Nissan well…the entire market share in that category. I’m sure there is a demand for it. Developing a new engine would be good, but it may cost, so in the meantime, they can use the Sentra’s 2.5 with some nice modifications. While I like the odd creature comfort, the mix of comfort and simplicity in my 92 SE is perfect. As far as safety equipment goes…I never understood it. S13s have a 5 star safety rating without airbags and all that fun stuff, so wtf is the point of forcing a car to have all this safety equipment (instead of forcing cars that have 2 stars despite all these additional features to better themselves)

I think you screwed up… Its DANGEROUSLY FUN[/quote]

nah its true … people FEEL safe in fwd cars … ask anyone

you suggest that you are going to buy a RWD car or use one for the winter and peoples eyes start to tear up in fear … the market has driven people into buying these fwd things and embracing them

Well look at it from the Nissan point of veiw. How could they offer a cheap 2 door (potentially turbo) coupe and yet be under the performance of the 350z. It just would not work for them. They would be competing against themselves and only taking sales away from the 350z.

We ask this question on several other larger Nissan boards, then incorporate it all into one letter which we would mail to Nissan. If we had the backing of the thousands and thousands of members of several organizations in the Nissan community maybe they would at least read it before they threw it out.

Well look at it from the Nissan point of veiw. How could they offer a cheap 2 door (potentially turbo) coupe and yet be under the performance of the 350z. It just would not work for them. They would be competing against themselves and only taking sales away from the 350z.[/quote]

yeah and once they have a successful platform like the 350z they want to keep it for a while and ride it out and not create something that will compete with it , that is the job of other auto makers . Buy a Mazdaspeed Miata for a rwd turbo small car … but of course it is expensive for a miata but thre isnt much else out there .

It is also the insurance market that has been driving this for a while as well if you think about it as well as taxes for different classes of cars in other countries.

WRX and STI are 4 doors as well as mazdaspeed protoge and srt4. They want to be a sports car without being one on paper. So I can see alot of automakers not wanting to make a car they know people want but might not be able to afford to drive and insure and register in some cases . I am going too many directions with this conversation

Well it is perfectly clear that none of us likely has the same knowledge in sales and marketing of automobiles as Nissan but if what you are saying is their jutification for not building a “cheap 2 door coupe” is true then I think their thinking is flawed.

The Z has competitors and becuse of this the sales are finite. If there are people that don’t want a Z for whatever reason and would prefer another product then it makes business sense for Nissan itself to offer the competition to the Z. If the company is going to lose revenue on the Z it might as well be to some other Nissan, e.g., G35 coupe.

This is why Coke owns Sprite and a half dozen other beverages. If people don’t want a Coke (two door coupe) and they want Sprite (competitor to two door coupe) then why wouldn’t Coke just offer Sprite? …which they do.

The only thing I can see being the exception to this is diminishing returns by having to operate a separate production line. One production line = 100 sales. Two production lines may not = 100 sales.


Well it is perfectly clear that none of us likely has the same knowledge in sales and marketing of automobiles as Nissan but if what you are saying is their jutification for not building a “cheap 2 door coupe” is true then I think their thinking is flawed.

The Z has competitors and becuse of this the sales are finite. If there are people that don’t want a Z for whatever reason and would prefer another product then it makes business sense for Nissan itself to offer the competition to the Z. If the company is going to lose revenue on the Z it might as well be to some other Nissan, e.g., G35 coupe.

This is why Coke owns Sprite and a half dozen other beverages. If people don’t want a Coke (two door coupe) and they want Sprite (competitor to two door coupe) then why wouldn’t Coke just offer Sprite? …which they do.

The only thing I can see being the exception to this is diminishing returns by having to operate a separate production line. One production line = 100 sales. Two production lines may not = 100 sales.[/quote]

Well i may not be a marketing master but i do kow a few things. And what you said for the most parts makes sense to me aswell. However the G35 and the 350z may be the same car but completly different target markets. Even their price, G35 being higher, dictates that. Look at it from Nissans view, over the past 3-4 years they have had a huge internal horsepower battle between their brands. G35 started out with 260 IIRC and now is 330 or something. But the 350z, maxima and even the altima are all relitively in the same ball park. So how can you brand the 350z a sports car when the Maxima (business mans car/ sporty family sedan) has almost the same motor/power as their sports car.

So you see the conflict. Now obviously it is more then just the motor that makes the 350z a sports car but. If you were in the market for buying a 350z a RX8 would not be a competitor. But a TT Rx8 maybe.

So now if you through in a F R platform car with a turbo you near the 250 hp mark and a direct threat to the 350z. While the G35 coupe sales would not be affected as this is a completly different segment.

its not justified to say “1to1 sale and if they offer the whole menu then everyone will buy from nissan because they have something for everything even though they compete with eachother”

its just like back in the day with the Fiero GT and the Corvette …both were similar in speed , acceleration and power to weight which made the fiero a very cheap alternative to a pricy corvette and took away sales from coke(chevy) and gave it to Pontiac(sprite) . GM made both sales at the end of the day …but was left with less money because more people bought the cheaper alternative to a corvette which was their flagship . So yes I agree Nissan should made another mid range rwd sports car for tuners but I can see why they dont. The successful Z has been reborn and they do not want to do anything to take away from those sales and hype so they keep the SpecV in another class as their other sports car alternative as it would not be a dollar for dollar trade in revenue

I am sorry but i would NEVER buy a car with the QR. With all due respect with the spec-v guys. They need a 4 cylinder that will rev to 7500+ perferably 8, that has a better reputation than the QR. Pre-cat failure, oil consumption, butterflies being swallowed.

They need to have a high reving 4 cyl with a turbo. Like an SR or CA, in a small RWD coupe like a 240.

Wait… i am describing S13’s.

From what I get from some of this is that Nissan simply needs to bring back the S chassis. Done and done, then everyone is happy.

Maybe but it would still steal sales from the Z. My guess is that Nissan will not bring a rwd sports car a class below the z anytime soon. Why? Why should they.