Dear Pitt Basketball Fans

I know you think Pitt basketball is good…but they’re not. So next time you’re at my bar taking up space and getting all rowdy* because you think they have a chance to come back from a 20 point deficit with 5 minutes left on a consistently good team like Marquette, they don’t. So don’t get all shitty when I say they’re not that great, because they’re not. Now please remove yourself from my seat. k. thx. bye.

*Can also be spelled “routey” if employed in the IT industry; considering all therein being inherently smarter than shit talking pool boy stoners from ocean shitty driving underpowered family sedans.

rowdy you illiterate faggot.

it’s ok to say routey if ur an IT guy, homo.

If your an IT guy and say Routey…then you are a homo

if you are in IT, you should be smart enough to realize “rowdy” is spelled “rowdy”

If you clean pools for a living then you can spell it however you want because everyone knows you are a dumbass anyway. :slight_smile:

omg thread backfire. shit.

it happens to the best of us, good luck next time :D:D:D


if ur 7ft tall and are an IT guy and not on the pitt bball team, then u need to stfu up when it comes to sports

Basketball sucks in general.

I concur:zzz:


pitt always chokes at the end of the year…atleast they beat WVU

thats a very contradictory statement if ur talkin about the football team… i hope u meant hoops.

yes i am talking about hoops

the hoops team should be pretty decent once fields comes back

yeah idk what your talkin about , pitt basketball is decent even with losing two good players earlier this year

Us IT Guys know nothing of this “basketball” you speak of?

they had a very good team. a good team that beat duke. but when 2 out of its 3 star players, both being guards, one a point guard the other the shooting guard. ur team will not be that good. i would love to see where they would be at now if those two never got injured.

its all about gettin on hot streat at the right time…MARCH