Dear Skunkape:

:tup: Sweetheart

gotta love the sig

shit he was at the casino last week, he must not have won.

its always sad to see threads like this…

He’s the most photoshopped guy on nyspeed, so you know this thread is going to be entertaining.

I normally would let it slide but seeing that he can spend $ on other things has irritated me to the point of posting.

Its one thing to have absolutely no $.

Its another thing to have absolutely no respect for paying your debts.

miss you skunky boy :stuck_out_tongue:

use your extra income to come see me!

Wow, talk about a knife in the back!

Pay your debt gypsy.

money and girls

friendship killers

maybe the mp3 player was a ruse to get you excited and in reality the money he owes you is in your mailbox!

$20 is forgettable : IE nitroinsane

$75 is just over the line of required payback

Update: Skunkape must have got wind of this thread and called me.

I am too hurt to even hear his once lovely voice.

So I did not answer…I just want a check in the mail.


I just couldn’t see myself using this forum as an avenue for collecting on a debt. I would have to exhaust every single option before doing something like this. But thats just me…

thats cool he called, I like when things like this are handled in a professional manner.


he has…he has been telling me for weeks Skunk owes him and been trying to collect…I heart Skunk and Kyle

All settled.

Skunk is a A+++ person

I love him dearly

He no longer owes me $

We have aggreed on BJs and reach arounds to the NYSpeed community which I will be selling for 5 bux a piece.

Line forms to the left.

I understand and agree.

I did not mean to throw Skunk under the bus or give some forum members a bad impression of him.

Just really aggrivated when I saw the away message.

ill take 4 for $16


  1. MaximaSE98 4 for $16

59 dollars worth left…come one come all…MEN ONLY

both of you… shut the fuck up. You have nothing productive to say. Sean, you RARELY have anything positive to say on this board when it has to do with me… you should just really keep your mouth shut

and who the fuck are you? you don’t know me or anything about me, and you really have no idea of the situation. So you can also shut your god damn mouth

back on topic. Most of this was miscommunication, which i explained to kyle on the phone. The only thing that i wish is if he could have called or text me before making the thread. That’s all. It would have been much easier and the situation would have been taken care of the same way