Death Sucks

Very sorry to hear, but you’ll definitely pull through as long as you and your family support each other through times like this.

my sincerest condolences buddy…

wow sorry josh :frowning: :frowning: you have my condolences

damn mr josh, thats one horrible day, hope you an all your loved ones can pull through it. My condolences to you an yours

Sorry, Josh. My condolences. They say bad things come in 3’s so hopefully this is the last of it for a LONG time… Good luck and god bless.

Woah…I saw your away message and didnt really imagine it was true.

Sorry to hear man but you and your family are some pretty strong people so keep your head up and as said before you have alot of people on here that are there for you. Dont hesitate.


I’m really sorry

thats crazy :frowning: like kyle said, i was hoping it wasn’t true when i read your away message today… sorry to hear josh, talk about a rough day :frowning:

And I thought I was having a bad week. I’m sorry to hear about all of that.
Hope things get better.

Damn, so sorry to hear Josh. :frowning: My condolences…

I’m so sorry Josh…I can’t even imagine what your family is feeling right now…that is sooo sad :frowning:

Wow, that’s terrible to hear. Can’t even imagine how you must be feeling. Be strong dude.

i’m real sorry to hear josh, stay strong bro.

All the best Josh, very sorry to hear. You know the #…

Sorry to hear ! Lemme know if you need anything! Be in BLO in 2 weeks!

Sorry to hear that

Yeah thats alot to deal with in a short amount of time, sorry to hear about all this.

hey sorry to hear about the whole family. its hard losing one at a time but the three i couldnt imagine…wishing the best for you and your family.

my grandpa from florida just passed away thursday morning.      it started with cancer awhile back were he had it removed but several years later we get a call about 2 1/2 weeks ago saying that hes not doing to go. that they found cancer on his stumic.    they removed it which was the good news.   find out his body started not function right when they had to start his Dialysis up again.  find out about 2 days later his body is starting to function and handle his dialysis.   about another day or 2 later i find out that they didnt get all the cancer and that his body is in a bad condition to try and get it all.      they gave him an estimated 3 weeks.      i was suppose to call him (because of him being in florida)  and when i tryed calling him the first day i just missed him........2nd day i was told to call around 430ish to like 6.      i tryed from 430 till 8pm and never got ahold of him.     my parents flew down there the next day to see him and when i got my phone call from my parents they had told me he wasnt doing to well that he was only able to say hey richie when my father walked in  then fell back day i call my mom up and find out that grandpa passed away.                              you wonder why life has to fuck with you so much with giving hope then shutting u right down again and kicking you in the face.

again best wishes to you and your family

Thanks for all the kind words guys.

jesus christ. thats terrible.