how did you get banned from ls1tech? you know how hard it is to get banned on that forum? lol.

you gotta tone down about your rt on there mouthing off to other people man. You gotta realize your the one with a mopar on a GM site…you can argue with everyone about everything, its not going to get you anywhere.

follow up question… who gives a fuck?

im gonna kick you in the nuts!

sorry… i only deal with people with complete drive shafts


Too soon… Lol

what he do ? lolol


I was telling the caton brothers what goes on behind the scenes drew.

link? lol

Id literally do nothing but go on that site to talk shit to people. For the past year thats the only thing i have done. Im suprised it took me this long to get a week ban for fucking with people and making fun of slow camaros. Id hardly argue about my car really. Itd usually start with some twat with a 13 second camaro telling me it was faster than my car which goes 11.5’s at 120 and they’d be proved wrong. Thats about it. No different than the 100 arguements and shit storms drews started here actually.

paywithdeath is RT

how can you make fun of a camaro that hangs the wheels 4 feet off the ground, for 300 ft?

I said it was fucking retarded. Or something along those lines and it 100% is. Intentionally hanging it like that, then crossing the lanes, then staying in it? Thats fucking beyond stupid. Hes lucky he didnt kill himself and another person trying to be a bad ass.

how do you know it was intentional?

they say when you hang the wheels like that, you stay in it and let it gradually come down. If you let off, or hit the brakes it “slams” down and destroys shit. I would have stayed in it too.

Yeah. Stayed in it, crossed lanes, kept in it 100% and then while still going crossed back over. Shit was fucking dumb. Hes lucky the 5th gen wasnt any quicker cause 2 cars would have been wrecked and people badly injured.

yah I dont think cars can steer when the front wheels are off the ground.


How can someone get banned for 5 days for bumping an old PJB BDAY thread?

They can when they come back down and then dont keep it floored trying to be don garlits. Youre such a drama queen. Trying to start stuff whenever you possibly get a chance too. Everything or rumor or lol i hear about you from now on i am making threads about. Gonna go for 1 a day.