How do people let themselves slip so far?
Denial. For some people it’s very easy to justify bad fiancial decisions. I’m not criticizing him, I’m one of them so I think I understand his thoughts and situation. I dug myself a nice big hole first year or so out of school telling myself that “oh I’ll get a raise soon” and “my fiance will be working in another year or two.” It just never dawned on me that maybe I should wait until those things happened before I started living as if they had already. Not that I also had $11k in credit card debt. :snky: But I realized the error of my ways and stopped the buy-now-because-I-can-afford-it-later attitude, I got the raise, fiance got a good job, and thank you Future Mother In Law Debt Consolidation Service, so I oughta be in good shape within 2 years.
Been there. Done that. Stop while you can. Just sayin.