Dec. 1st 10pm - Off The Wall on Elmwood - Underdog Aesthetics Fashion Party

what’s the deal with this? is there really shit for sale?

good food there. i used to know this guy garrent that lived upstairs

I honestly don’t know details but I’m pretty sure each vendor is going to have a table setup with cool shit for sale.

Stache is actually a pretty cool store, they carry some shit that I’d normally wear - ALIFE and Free Gold Watch are two pretty tight lines. They only have ALIFE shoes though, no tees (yet) and I’m not really huge on the normal ALIFE shoes…i’m a nike type.

oh, and if any of you guys want tickets I think I can get you on the cheap.


eh, this looks pretty interesting… I might go check it out. What is it all about at these things?

This is showcasing some of the smaller allentown stores that are really doing it but are kinda ignored to a lot of people. Collecting canned goods for raffle tickets too, that’ll be prizes from places etc.

Definately something worth checking out. The response has been really good and I’m expecting this to be poppin off.

yo this looks pretty cool i mgiht check it out


It’s gonna be like 10pm-2 or 3am btw.

maybe. mebe.

yea i like free gold watch stuff. i like the shoes there too (and yes im a nike head) but i cant pay $160 for shoes right now. $110 for deadstock dunks is my limit.

shoul dbe a good time

agreed. i almost bought a free gold watch tee, the west coast monogram one…but they only had XL and there’s no way my ass is gonna get in XL anything.

im out, gotta go get shit ready before this kicks off. hope to see some of you there.

me and pat might be down there at around 11ish

I know you are from E. Aurora, but the only business in this event is from allentown is Hero and they opened last month.

Paying $10 to see shit that you could see in a 30 minute walk down is pretty steep to me.

Well lets all just bitch about things now.

you wanted to buy something they’re giving for free


Don man, I must say I was impressed. you’ve come a long way in the past year (or two years, i dl’ed a mixtape you put out but i dont remember from when).

your cut got a lot better (i know during a show like that you cant cut a ton but i saw a little of it and its come up) and I think everyone was feeling the mixes

can definately rock a bar. you should distribute a cd to places like hardware, the pink, prespa, etc. i think you could definately get at least some weeknights at places like that


thanks dude :slight_smile:

i dont really want to fuck with spots like that right yet, im kinda doin the independent thing going place to place, and it’s working well.

but yeah, doin the damn thing. that mixer was ASS too, so i didnt scratch anything. it’s all good though. thats the thing about house equipment…lol.

thanks a lot for coming out, i could tell you had a lot of fun :slight_smile:

yea I was gonna ask if it was gregs old mixer, he had one of those for the 2 weeks he was into techno

it sucks not having a curved fader. I used to bring my own mixer and cartridges wherever I went (as long as the place had technics, if not gotta bring decks too).

haha it was a rough situation; drank some beers watching the game, had a couple gin and tonics at off the wall. then i got one from the back bar; im not sure if he used a different kind of gin or what but it was naassty. im not one to complain, so i figured id just drink it fast so i could get to the next one. so that was where it started

anyway, it was a good time, i’ll see you at rock the bells