December 21, 2012


I’ve always envisioned this scenario going down…That would be awesome.


It wasn’t just the Mayans!!!
There were like 9 different groups/societies/civilizations (whatever you want to call them) who saw this time as the end of times. just sayin. Hopefully something has changed the course, like one of the dozens of wars since then.

Come to my end of the world party. It’ll just be us. Don’t bring your tin foil hat, as we won’t be wearing anything.


In reality this is all a bunch of bullshit lies.

Got my bug out bag pretty well set. :tup:


My cuz mentioned this to me the other day.

I was in Cali when this article came out and they happened to be testing their nuclear fall out syrens when I was there. They had it go off 3 times in about 3 hours. I was on a golf course with some locals and they said they hadn’t heard it to off in over 10 years.

You and me both.

Fox News is covering this topic tonight at 9pm so it must be real. :wink:

Now I definitely dont believe this will happen. lol

on a side note, I hope it snows so I can snowboarding if this truly does happen. haha

This guy sounds like Glenn Beck.

“Yet, astonishingly, the usual suspects of deception are saying absolutely nothing about this problem. The mainstream media (the dying dinosaur media, actually) pretends there’s no problem with Fukushima. President Obama says nothing about it. Federal regulators, including the NRC, are all but silent. It’s as if they think their silence on the issue somehow makes it go away.”

Or rather, Cartman’s version of Glenn Beck on that episode of South Park.


The article sounds pretty screwy. I wouldn’t be surprised if the real effects of Fukushima are being downplayed significantly, but the article would require every ounce of radioactive fuel at the site to somehow go airborn. That’s like saying that driving a car is certain death because of what would happen if you breathed 20 gallons of gasoline vapors.

make sure to grab your twinkies!


Twinkie World Secret Society?

LOL! No, Thats what she said.