Dedicated Track Day thread.

New gear acquired! You got TCX Competizione S Boots!
TCX Competizione S Boots equiped!
Agility -3
HP +10
Focus +1
Gold -$190
Level 1 Track Armor Complete!


^ :lol @ the description!

nice boots, I’m rather dreading going down in my Sidi’s because ironically they seem “too nice” and definitely too expensive to be damaged like that.

Why the white?

How do you like your back protector?

Since you’re the most experienced track junkie here now, any gear/equipment suggerstions for my next day out?

I only hit track a few times, not really a track junkie (yet)…:lol

Back protector fits wells, makes my leather a bit tighter. Good thing is I don’t notice it when riding. I just pick white instead of black, easier to spot if the they ever get damaged. Boots got really good overall protection and is CE certified.

My new two wheel vehicle! :lol:lol:lol Now I am going places…:rofl:rofl

I would be interested in borrowing one of your bikes vlad to go on a track day

I would, however, most likely be dumping it.

Gsxr is all yours in that case.

I’ll leave the cage on and fairings off :lol

Just needs a wheel at the moment.

fuck it, I’ll keep it on one lol


I wanna go :cry

go to LVD :slight_smile:

Got lost on my way there cause my phone died on me…

So jelly.

Where you go?


Not exactly a trackday but it was close enough so I am just gonna put it here instead of making a new thread.

7/20 Advance School/Practice
7/21~22 Race Weekend

Made a few adjustments on my bike before the weekend. Forks were raised 10mm from last year as I recall the bike felt too stable/slow during initial turn in. I did worried about running out of suspension on the sv with the stock fork tubes, but I decided that I can always lower it back down if I have to at the track. Rear was raised to the max that the 8987 would allow in an attempt to gain more swing arm angle that was lost due to raising the forks.

The advance school on 7/20 proved to be a great investment, which consist 2 sessions of track walk to dissect pretty much every corner. What I took away from that course was the ability to ascertain where I am losing time and became more aware of where I not maximizing my traction, therefore speed. While the track session on Friday were not timed and I do not have a lap timer; I can physically feel my pace picked up quite a bit from last year and was looking forward to the race weekend. Bike felt a bit too sensitive with the raised forks and my front end was hunting a lot cresting hills and even worse cresting hills and at lean, I adjust the steering damper in an attempt to dial them out as much as I can. Checked my forks at the end of the day and realized I am only a couple mm from hitting the triple bottom. I was a little worried.

The timed morning practice sessions proved my feeling on Friday was right. Surprised to find myself running a good couple of seconds consistently faster than my previous PB; I think I have just upgraded myself from “Horrible” to Terrible”. Getting closer but yet so far :(. With the pace picked up, I now find my forks hitting the triple bottom. You have no clue how much you NEED suspension until you have none, it is not a good feeling. So I Immediately lower my forks about 7mm to free up more travel and went to the CMD garage and have the suspension guy take a look. He added 2 turns of pre-load and the combination of lowering the forks and the pre-load solved the suspension travel issue, but now I felt the forks rebound too fast. From looking at the tires, It looks like rebound my rear is a bit too slow.

Race weekend went on with no incidents. Had two ok starts and one really bad one, which I almost loop it and luckily I didn’t stall it; had to play catch up on that race but it was fun chasing :slight_smile:

Sounds like a great time!

How you still liking the sv?

It is the correct decision to race in this class and with the sv. If you pump about $1500 in suspension and $400 in tires, it will a good bike…:lol

Someone buy this!! :rofl

Doesnt seem like that crazy of a steal too me, especially since all the OEM parts are missing making it a dedicated only track bike. Clear title won’t add much to the value of such a machine.

$2500 would be gone quick, $3500 for an early model 2nd gen? Nah.

It IS a track only bike. The penske shock alone is $600. You can’t build one from scratch with the same stuff that is on it for this price.

His bike is used, so all the parts that are on it are going to have a used value as well.

Plus just because he wanted all for those parts doesn’t mean the buyer wants all those parts or has to pay for all those parts, so cheaper again.

I’m just saying. I recently bought an SV650 (stock) for less than $1000, you couldn’t put it together for that cheap with stock parts either…

Well, if don’t want those parts, you should just get a bike without those parts for much cheaper just like you said. Personally, I think if you want a track bike that is ready to go with those parts on it, that price is pretty good. Obviously I cannot eliminate the possibility of someone selling one like that for $1k lower.