Defensive driving in the rear view mirror

Well i have totally decided that this summer is the summer for “Idiots” on two or four wheels. I am no longer shocked by the accidents or the bike fatalities as apparently no one learns and Darwin is playing catch up.

Long story short i spotted a puke green kawi ninja in kinderhook today in my rearview who made me spend some extra consideration to him as he apparently felt it necessary to be maybe 2-3 feet off my rear bumper on the side of a one lane 55mph hick road. I put my signal on early and gently begin to slow while this idiot is gazing of 90 degrees to the right and not making any attempt to stop. i begin to ease off the brake and land my horn to get him to look forward while missing my initial entrance and proceeding to the next while hes in a mad dash to stop. I easily extended a courtesy of 1000 feet giving myself a slight left hand j turn into the exit of the farm. To the retarded bike driver your welcome and to Darwin, please remove all stupid people on earth faster.

Cool story.

The best thing to do after being tailgated for a while is to pull off to the side of the road while simultaneously slamming on the brakes.

Where’s the guy that’s the expert on cool stories? I heard he can give us a more in-depth analysis on this matter.


Here is mine, yesterday. my buddy driving the F150, car trailer and the ranger on the trailer… We are doing the speed limit, 45mph, this bitch pulls out from the stop sign about 100 feet ahead of us, corey is already on the brakes and she accelerates to about 15, and keeps it steady at 15 for about 350 feet, until we just about to rear end her, then she gets up about 20? and continues up the hill at 35mph, in a 45… TALKING ON HER CELL PHONE. SOME YOUNG CUNT IN A JEEP, WITH HER YEPPY DUST MOP FUCKING DOG IN THE BACK RUNNING AROUND.

So we get to the red light, and she is now head down, not paying attention texting away.

KK has enough. I stick my head out the window and yell “Put your phone down, stop texting and FUCKING DRIVE THE GOD DAMN CAR CORRECTLY!” She glared at me in the rear view for the longest time, light goes green, AND SHE DIDNT EVEN NOTICE IT AGAIN!!! I HAD ENOUGH AND SHOT HER, DUMPED THE BODY IN THE MOHAWK, AND NOW I AM PARTING OUT THE JEEP.

OK, all but the bold after green was true. lol

Ohhh and fuck that shit Jon. Should have just got on the brakes and turned in where you were going. you would have zero fault in the matter. EVEN if they tried to say you didnt use a blinker or some shit. The rider would have gotten following too close and imprudent speed. You would be getting a new car and that douche would get what they deserved. FUCK UM.

I have absolutely zero fucking patents for stupid people, their stupid actions and their stupid attitudes after the fact. No more mister nice guy.

When stupid people die doing stupid shit it doesn’t bother me in the slightest, natural selection. It’s the innocent bystanders who get killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time that fucking sucks.

I can’t leave the house for more than 5 minutes without meeting some fucktard motorist on the road who is subconsciously trying to kill themselves with their driving.

A few weeks ago some rice rocket was up my ass near argyle…traffic in front of me so I couldnt go faster…and after 2 miles of the 5 feet from my bumper thing, I decided to end the Mr Nice Guy stuff I usually extend to bikers…
I reached up and slowly and methodically aimed my rear view way outta wack so he could clearly see there was no way I could see him in my rear view any longer. I continued to drive as though no one was behind me… I was stress free and he was probably confused…and should have been nervous. I intentionally didnt even peak in my side views so when I looked back 5 miles later he was gone. I secretly wanted him to eat my bumper. CSB

Here is the only problem with that.

GOOD RIDERS as you know watch the driver, the car, the drivers eyes, head movements, hand movements and all three of their mirrors like a hawk. I know I did. BUT here is the thing, GOOD RIDERS dont tailgate, and can see through the car, or around it on bends and see the traffic isnt going anywhere fast and the car in front of them isnt the problem. With that being said, the dumb fuck probably doesn’t do any of the first things I mentioned first, and never even noticed what you did/were doing.

EXAMPLE. I was talking to someone about riding one day at a bar. Topic came up about safe riding, and I told him I watch the drivers mirrors ahead of me, especially when I see them coming up to a car to make a pass, watch for their head and their eyes to look first and then signal. If they do and do it right I will continue to follow them to my destination. If they dont and make a careless lane change, the first moment I get I drop a gear and get the fuck out of their range. This guy goes, PSHHHH I never watch their mirrors, I just watch the back of their car and their lights! I simply said “Good idea” and facepalmed him in my mind.

if people get to close, i just open my sunroof and out flying pennies go! id rather have nothing happen in the first place… Most people back off some guy stopped last week lol