Defensive driving in the rear view mirror

Here is the only problem with that.

GOOD RIDERS as you know watch the driver, the car, the drivers eyes, head movements, hand movements and all three of their mirrors like a hawk. I know I did. BUT here is the thing, GOOD RIDERS dont tailgate, and can see through the car, or around it on bends and see the traffic isnt going anywhere fast and the car in front of them isnt the problem. With that being said, the dumb fuck probably doesn’t do any of the first things I mentioned first, and never even noticed what you did/were doing.

EXAMPLE. I was talking to someone about riding one day at a bar. Topic came up about safe riding, and I told him I watch the drivers mirrors ahead of me, especially when I see them coming up to a car to make a pass, watch for their head and their eyes to look first and then signal. If they do and do it right I will continue to follow them to my destination. If they dont and make a careless lane change, the first moment I get I drop a gear and get the fuck out of their range. This guy goes, PSHHHH I never watch their mirrors, I just watch the back of their car and their lights! I simply said “Good idea” and facepalmed him in my mind.