definition of irony

The law is intended to help preserve the camps as reminders of how the United States turned on some of its citizens in a time of fear.

He’ll probably try to get them operational again and claim he has power to use them. :bloated:


Co-sponsors of the bill included the two current members of Congress who spent time in the camps as children: Democratic Reps. Mike Honda and Doris Matsui of California. Matsui was born in the Poston camp in Arizona.

Well they seem to think it is a good idea…and they were in them. :gotme:. I think his point is to show what can happen in a time of panic, and what happens when we let our fears rule us. The finger pointing and incarceration of these innocent people is a prime example of the government being too powerful and taking away rights of US citizens in that time of fear and panic. I know a lot of you are going to start spewing shit about the war going on now and how Bush is the devil and yada yada, personally I don’t care. You can not in the right mind even begin to compare what Roosevelt did to the Japanese citizens in WWII who were taken from their homes and put in internment camps to tapping a few phones.

hmm…We’re at war…what ever shall we do

~Democrat: Roosevelt - Internment camps. They can’t be trusted, force them from their homes and put them in jail.

~Republican Bush(aka The Devil) - Tap their phones to see if they are aiding in terrorist actions. If they aren’t, no harm done, if they are, we can save the lives of innocent citizens.


riiight, because bush will go as far as he knows he can get away with it

Yep. Boils down to D Vs R…


(I do believe the places should be maintained and the right thing is being down)

I’m going to agree somewhat with Jeg here. Its pretty stupid to blame Bush on anything here, its a historic site that will play as a reminder to just how far the gov’t has gone into taking away peoples rights.

And is the only truly bad thing to come out of Roosevelts administration.

i dont see what the big deal is.

i fucking love the art department @ yahoo…

That it is ironic as hell that they are preserving them to remind people of what the government did turn a time of fear, when the Bush admin. has used fear all the time to get people to back him.

I actually didn’t think the Patriot Act (tapping phone lines, invading privacy and all that) was a bad idea until I heard it put very clearly:

Those who trade in their freedom for their protection deserve neither.

So yeah, it is ironic that a president who seems to have started down a slippery slope of taking freedom signed a bill preserving a relic of a time when another president took away people’s freedom.