Delta Sonic Super Lane / Unlimited Washes

I want in. How do I sign up?

For people that wash the car alot…isn’t the water going to attract/stick the salt to it when the roads are dry and salt dusty?

has anybody had any issues with their rims being scraped by delta?

my car isnt too low to make it through DS for the firs time in a LONG time, and i get free washes here at work, but ive always been afraid that the rollers will rub on the face of my wheel since…

In Erie, PA where I live now we get 4 washes after our initial wash. So 5 washes total. I don’t know if that’s just a winter thing cause of the salt and whatever but I run my mustang through there at least once a week.

I haven’t had any problems with my ZX2 but the tires are a little beefy on the rim and stick out a little past the lip. If you really needed to go through you could just try to hold your wheel against the right side of the track so if it does rub it will be on the side you don’t see.

i have 19’s with rubber bands wrapped around them… not much sticking out past the rim…

and when your on the rollers, you really cant “position to the inside track”

i guess i just dont remember what the protection is

Protection is hard plastic rollers. They are suppose to roll down with your wheel if your are riding along it.
When you line up you can always just try to stay to the right.

I had a superkiss pass today and they offered me 4 more car washes, one a week for a month for $5.00 upgrade fee. I thought it was worth it.

I used the super lane pass 2 times already. The snows on the e36 really kick a lot of salt and dirt from the road onto the sides of the car within a couple days. Might as well take advantage of it. :slight_smile:


Is this now a perma promotion?

And does anyone know for the regular wash guarantee if you can use it at any location? Or do you have to go back to the place of the original wash?

I would say yes it is permanent, I never canceled mine in the summer because I was lazy, now I just make up for it by going whenever I pass the place. Not sure if you can use it at any location or if any other locations have it. Your best bet would be to call them.

I’m seeing a lot of these barcodes around, that’s why I asked.

Isn’t Delta pretty rough on your paint? I’ve never been a big fan of big carpeted brushes slamming down on my car, especially when the car going through in front of you is some SUV caked with enough frozen mud to build a small fort.

It probably is, but with winter coming I need to do something differently with my truck. Last winter I only washed it at touch-less washes which never really got it clean and left my wheels caked in crap… and cleaning them in the spring was a huge pain.

I’ve been to the Delta in Cheektowaga and they use some slappy-microfiber-looking-pad-things, not spinning brushes of death. I haven’t noticed any increase in scratches yet.

I want to get this for my POS car, see if the high pressured hoses will blow holes though all the rust spots

I wish my truck would fit in DS

I heard that if you bring in a gallon jug full of can tabs you get free washes for a month


Signed up for this… we’ll see how my paint looks in the spring, lol.

$22 for unlimited washed per month.

i wonder if the m3 will fit on the rollers there…?

The 315s on the stang fit through and so do the 285/40s on the Jeep.
My mustang sits pretty damn low too.