Delta Sonic Super Lane / Unlimited Washes

good to know looks like ill have to give it a try.

i just remember trying to take my s4 there it was way too low and it hit the rails.

I might have to sign up for this for the audi if they have it in rochester.

Always thought it was fine for a daily, especially if you keep a good coat of wax on it.

Not really sure how good it is for my tonneau cover, the blowers at the end REALLY stretch the son of a bitch between the cross braces, makes for putting it on easier though.

Was thinking about getting the super lane deal but Super Kiss Plus or what not gives you 3 or 4 washes with it, probably wouldn’t have to much time for anymore than that anyway.

Also do you guys tip? I always tip unless the dryer did an absolute terrible job. Its cold and they are dealing with a wet job.

Speaking of that, last time they forgot my tire dressing but I didn’t notice till I got home.

How long does it usually take everyone to get to the Delta Sonic, through the wash and dried off? Realistically??

How often are you guys going to this?

Pretty sure they do, I remember my dad mentioning something about it.

I’m probably going to sign up as well when I can.

I tip $5 each time based on what people who have worked their have told me is a “good” tip for them.

Although the last kid didn’t deserve it… I asked him to wipe down the center of my wheels because the wash always misses it and he said “sure” … but then didn’t do it :ham:

how much does this pass cost?

Which location is offering this promo? Is it still the Niagara Falls blvd sonic?

It’s not a promo anymore - it’s at all of them.

there’s something on the website about registering your barcode? Maybe that is so you can use it at any location?

I don’t know about the website, but they said I could use my bar code at any location.

I just skip the drying lanes usually lol. Altho last two times I went I did go threw the drying lanes and both times I could here something on the rash scratching my paint. I forgot about it till I went again but I’m probably never going threw the drying lanes again.

I have had this for about 2 years now, maybe 18 months whenever it first come up. I have had it on about 4-5 cars now come and gone. I have them washed about 5 times a week to make it worth it. I tip from $2-$10 depending on how well they do. One kid always gets down and cleans each one of my wheels by hand in the summer. Other people will miss half of my back window and think it’s fine for some reason. Overall for $22/month you can’t beat it.

$22/month, then another $40/month (tips) you spend on car washes? jesus christ . F that!

(5 washes a week) x (avg of $6 tips) = $30/week

$30 x 4 weeks = $120/month

So basically you’re washing your car for about $142/month. Great deal… Why not just have it professionally detailed once a month? At least your paint will look better.

Jesus, I leave $1 tip. For at most 2 min of work, thats $30/hr cash.

You could probably get away with $1 tips in the Trailblazer but now that you drive a Caddy you need to step it up; don’t be a budget baller :wink:

haha, well you see I started with a $5 tip but while I was going through the car wash it depreciated to $1. Sorry bout that.

My 285 Rears on my M5 rub the inside of the rim on the guard rail

i was under my car doing exhaust work and noticed that the inside of the drivers rear rim was all scratched to shit…

and it wasnt from mounting work either… so it had to be from the 3-4x i went through DS with it… there is no rim protector on the inner rails…

Outstanding. A+ would laugh again.

But seriously, I tip $1 if I’m feeling generous. They get paid hourly, don’t they? I guess it all averages out with ballers like Onyx… :smiley: