Delta Sonic Super Lane / Unlimited Washes

Does anyone know about this? I have never seen anything advertised and have never been asked if I wanted to pay for the super lane pass until today. Basically you pay a small monthly fee of $17 and some change for unlimited car washes. It also comes with free tire dressing, body gloss and rain x with every wash. There are also other packages you can add onto it but I couldn’t really care that much. The good thing is you can cancel any time. I plan on using it until the salt is gone.

After looking online it seems as this has been offered for a few months now at least. It seems as if they aren’t actively advertising it? Or I’m just blind! :poke:

Damn. That doesn’t sound like too bad of a deal. Would def be good for winter time.

EDIT - Can you post a link?

I wish, this is the only thing they have on their site.

And a google search really didn’t help much ether.

with the delta sonic on main street I heard you can pay 90 bux for unlimited washes for 3 months. only good for monday - friday. I just heard and have no actual evidence or proof.

I went to the one on Maple in amherst. I think the one on Transit offers this as well, not sure that they all do. The only draw back is you can only use it at the location you got it from, but who really cares. Also forgot to mention you get to cut everyone waiting in line. :wiggle:

Edit: They give you this barcode sticker that goes on your window that some machine will scan when you drive threw the Super Lane.

It is a limited trial that one of my friends that is in their corporate is testing out. They want to see how it works on a small scale so only a few stores are offering it, and they are not advertising it as of yet.

last i knew they werent letting you go through the super lane during the winter, due to the large number of people going through.

Correct, the one on Maple is offering it, kid offered it to me when i took the STi through, he said 17 dollars a month gets you unlimited washes for the month.

I got that deal at the Buffalo location fro the month of February (Main St. near Bryant)…and have used it at any DS of my choosing. $16.99+tax…

At the Amherst location (Maple and the Blvd) they are offering for the month of March the same deal, however you can only use it at that location.

Before anyone hops in about drive through car washes…keeping the salt off my car>car wash scratches. Those I can buff out in the spring, rust not so much.

Winter/crappy DD = delta sonic.

I’m way far beyond caring about this piece of crap prizm.

Sounds like a pretty good deal

i wash my car myself.
only takes a few minutes to get the salt and crap off it.

I heard it was a Main st. deal.

I got the 3 superkiss cert and crapplebees dinner for Xmas. Works out well for me, once a month the car goes through (twice I guess) and it’s keeping it realatively clean. Till I can get out the hose and bucket.


tell us again how you get all the salt cleaned out from the underside?

i <3 the touchless carwash in the winter, as well as its undercarriage spray. wipe it down with a micro and good to go


My guess would be a hose?

Anyhow, if this is true, I would definitely buy it for the winter. $17.99 seems a little low though, not that I’m complaining, but that’s almost too good of a deal. The Super Super Kiss, or whatever it’s called is $15.xx and you get 3 washes for 2 weeks.

dont they add on another 2 bucks for trucks to that price?

wish i knew about this before i lowered my car. i cant fit on the tracks anymore. :confused:

i visit the coin wash about twice a week all winter.

I actually have this. When I got it, they told me that the Delta by the BLVD Mall was the only one that offered it. They put a sticker with a barcode on your back window, and you go to a seperate line with no waiting. But you must purchase the Superkiss to use it. It stores your credit card information on file. You dont talk to anyone, just drive through. Also when you go to a regular line for your free washes, you dont get Tire shine/body gloss. But when u use the super lane its free.

How can you go through a express lane and get the body gloss and tire shine without a receipt as proof?