democracy at work... 2/3rds? really?


watch it all



Voice vote? Are you kidding me!

This is what the Democratic Party has turned into and they have the audacity to call Republicans hateful.

Same thing happened at the republican convention, just on a different topic. They’re all idiots.

What topic was that? Post the video because I doubt it was as damning as a whole convention booing religion.

Lets do that again. Okay 2/3rds!

No, I said it was a different topic. But it has to do with disregarding yay or nay retarded voice voting.


Get out of here with that logic, they don’t like facts.

LOLing at the two videos because the DNC seating looks empty, the RNC is a full house. At least the Republicans showed up.

No shit that’s why I said “What topic is that?” Liberalism really is a mental disorder.

Bread and Circuses was the fall of Rome and it will play a role in US future as well.

We elect law and business majors on their personality instead of scientists and people with track record, which results in members of the science committee that could be outwit by a 3rd grader in basic science.

Thats because anyone with half a brain is smart enough to not WANT to run for elected office

I just disregard anyone who tries to have “discussions” about politics on car forums/facebook etc. Honestly guys I don’t know if you think you have a clue about half this shit, nor do I care, but in the end just like the conventions it’s all a bit embarrassing. People just say a bunch of shit to make themselves feel better about their affiliations and then call names or point out “lies” from the other side.

I’ve had a lot of honest political discussions with people who are willing to put aside labels and name calling, none of them involved a keyboard.

Regardless though, the audible voting give’s me a good chuckle every time. Anything that really matters in either platform is decided by lobbyists and their fat wallets before the convention anyway.

I agree with this. My stance on politics is never very solid or absolute. Observations are made and I have drawn opinions, but my mind is never locked on certain people or ideas being the end all be all. It’s always refreshing to have discussions with open minded people.

In my line of work I travel around the world, and EVERYBODY I talk to has issues with their government and leaders being crony.

You think the American political system is f’ed up?

Try being a Ukrainian citizen or one of similar ‘2nd world’ countries.

Americans have it easy as far as politics, corruption, etc. goes.

EASY. Your legit political leaders who seem to have their head on straight don’t get thrown in jail and charged with BS crimes to keep them there.

Just because its worse somewhere else doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem here, and that things can’t be better.

Well, true. Absolutely agree. Just trying to add some perspective here. It’s silly, etc. but it’s not that bad.

Depends who wins.


1000 years of darkness sounds pretty bad :rofl