democracy at work... 2/3rds? really?

lets go have a beer. political threads on shift make me want to go on a mass murdering spree.

:rofl :lol :tbu

I could give two shits about the political system of foreign countries at this moment. Comparing ours to theirs is moot at best and doesn’t make anyone feel better about what’s going on here.

ITT batshit republicans, batshit liberals, and sane people in the middle who are driven to drinking by the first two.

No one cares they origionally deliberately took the word GOD off the platform… and they had to vote to allow it back in?

You won’t find a sympathetic crowd online on that matter.

Most of the Internet social media crowd (Facebook, forums, reddit) tends to be atheists.

Broad stroke, narrow mind


It bothers me but I don’t expect much from democrats in the first place. I don’t understand the whole capital of Israel thing and why that’s an issue.

It bothers me that in a supposed secular nation any platform would use “god” in the Christian sense of the word to shape public policy that affects people of all religions or non-religion.

As far as Jerusalem, the issue is that other governments and groups (Hamas) have fought to eliminate Israel and create a Palestinian state or multiple Islamic states with Jerusalem serving as their capital. Probably not a good idea to eliminate that wording from your platform when Israel is about all we got for friends in that part of the world.

I really gotta stop clicking on these threads :facepalm

Agreed. I try to stay out of this arena here completely because 99% of the time it’s like talking to a brick wall.

who said we live in a secular nation? It says in god we trust on our money.

It wasn’t always like that…

Aspirations for the motto arose surrounding the turmoil and heightened religious sentiment that existed during the Civil War. The Reverend M. R. Watkinson, as part of a campaign initiated by eleven northern Protestant Christian denominations in a letter dated November 13, 1861, petitioned the Treasury Department to add a statement recognising “Almighty God in some form in our coins.”[7] At least part of the motivation was to declare that God was on the Union side of the Civil War.[8] According to Brian Burrell, the actual wording of the motto was inspired by a Union Civil War unit’s company motto.[9][10]

Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase acted on this proposal and directed the then-Philadelphia Director of the Mint, James Pollock, to begin drawing up possible designs that would include the religious phrase. Chase chose his favorite designs and presented a proposal to Congress for the new designs in late 1863.[11]

Source: truth.

It wasn’t always on the pledge of elegance either.