Democrats = draft?

Actually if your party got thier draft, you would go to war, or you would rot in jail for many years. Those are the options, or you can learn french and run to canada and hang out with those pussies, or run to mexico and become thier bitch (guess what mexico does to illegals, not nearly as nice as we are). Your party wants a draft, as a matter of fact a congressman from NY wants a draft. Way to go us, YAAAAAY dems, you won, love the policy ideas.

I’ve always been a proponent of mandatory 1-2 yr military service after high school

A re-instituted draft would increase public involvement in our government to amazing levels, it would certainly cut down on partisan saber rattling by the administration. People might actually listen to what the people who run this country have to say. Maybe they’ll even pay attention to platforms instead of sound bites in 2008.

Coming from someone who complains about how much the Bush administration has taken away our freedoms…this really doesnt suprise me. The simple fact that the dems are bitching about the American lives lost and Bush taking away freedoms, then saying they want to start a draft and force people to go overseas and die…nope, no hypocracy here.

last I checked military service doesn’t = going overseas to die

provision it so no one can go to iraq for all I care

I pride myself on believing what I want, not what a party (or only a few people from that party) believes. I strongly believe that a draft is a violation of our rights. And people simply won’t stand for it. If the military can’t get enough people to fight, then it means the people don’t support the war. What does that tell you? Supposedly if it happens, which it won’t, women will be drafted, as well as college students. And flight to Canada won’t be possible. I can’t see that happening. So don’t make assumptions about me. If we were fighting a worthwhile war against someone who is a threat to our way of life, I’d enlist.:slight_smile:

But you are still forcing people into the military. That is why our military is awesome, because of the people who WILLFULY join to serve our country. Now take that military and increase ranks with people who don’t want to serve and see what happens. I guarantee there will be another revolution if the Government becomes that powerful.

Small government >>>> ones that force people to do shit (besides the normal taxes and whatnot).

Mandatory military service would make the government less powerful as more people are directly being effected by the government decisions, direct impact on Americans leads to more Americans voting, more voting = more control over representatives. The absolute biggest threat to American democracy is that more than a third of eligible voters didn’t vote in 2004. 2006 turnout estimate? 40%. That’s pathetic.

Re-instating a draft to boost the troop levels in Iraq is a horrible idea. Only requiring military service when we’re already involved in a conflict is a horrible idea. Mandatory service to your countries armed forces is not. That said, a policy like mandatory military service needs to be started during peace time.

Oh I understand exactly where you are coming from and I absolutely agree, people need to take part and not sit there like who the hell cares. But I don’t think making military service mandatory is the way to do so. Personally, if I was able I would join the military still. I think it would be a major improvement to my character and help me out a lot in the long run. But Due to medical reason, I am unable. that’s why I joined the fire company…so I can help my country do my part to try to make it just a little better. I really think more people need to do this. Realize that it is not all about “me” like they so like to believe. By helping others you are helping yourself and making this country a better place. But it will never be this way with the current “if it feels good do it” mentality of our society. I completely understand what you are sying about it durring peace time, but I am just not sure I agree with forcing people into the military because that is against the whole “freedom” ideals that this country was founded uppon.

We need a president that can set forth an example like Theodore Roosevelt. Now there was a man worthy of admiration.

When did Canadians become pussies? They all play hockey and stuff…

I find it ironic that the party that said the republicans used fear to promote the war are using fear to end our involvement in the same war.

That one guy does not a party make.

what fear is that?

If by fear you mean trying to get elected officials to pay more attention to the information in front of them because their decision could impact seriously their chance of getting re-elected because a majority of their constitutes would be impacted directly by sending troops into an unnecessary and ill planned war? Well then yes, Mr. Rangle (who’s previous bill to reinstate the draft lost 400 to 2) is using fear. But like the poster above me stated so very clearly, this is not the stance of the democratic leadership.

And in my first year of college I learned what a “euphemism” is.

I hate politics. It makes a game out of real life. “I’m on the deomcrats team! If we make the right moves we can advance to the next level!” The whole concept of career politicians is fucked, but since it’s a game you need players who are good at the game, not representatives who serve the interests of the public. Democrats vs Republicans? How about the people for the people? Even in the real George W’s farewell address he warned against a bicameral system yet here we are in a red vs blue fucking board game. Modern democracy is a mockery of what it was conceived to be.

ok i only read page one…but i dont think you understand why this was brought up…OBVIOUSLY it wont pass…but it was propsed because republican kids are off partying and going to good schools and getting jobs when because they have money and democrats think their kids shouldnt have any less opportunity…

Yes, because you know, all of Canada speaks French and they all are eskimos and live in Igloos and it snows 24/7 the second you cross the border into anywhere in Canada, and there are also no Canadian soldiers serving in the military anywhere overseas involved in conflicts.


You sir, are a douchebag.

Suchhhh truth.

Yea repub kids off partying. Even though 80 percent of the military is republican, and there are more college degrees in the military than almost any other industry. Never mind every officer has a 4 year degree, and probably a masters on top of it, and that there are piles of advanced pilots, medics, doctors and so on that are the best of the best in thier fields. But its just a big old bunch of held down democrats fighting the wars for the rich white republicans. People need to get a fuckin clue, cause assumptions just make you look silly in the end.

I’d like you to link me to information proving any of your points. Because as of now, I’m writing you off as a blathering idiot grasping for straws.

As do I, but we can not argue with their logic… as twisted as it is, they still believe it to be absolute truth.

Go do some legpresses or something.