dentists suck

Actually they really dont it was my own fault. Anyways i have no dental coverage and i found a hole in my molar.Long story short here i sit with a root canal and two fillings, my mouth is so numb i cant eat or i will bite off my tongue. No dental insurance=very poor now. sorry for the whining.

should get the dentists daughter pregnant.Im pretty sure you get dental coverage then

flirt with the dentist, have him molest you while you are passed out. Sue him. frre money

true story, my late grandmother has always been allergic to novicaine. Now she had 3 root canals back in the early 60’s when all they had was Novacaine. and she refused to be put out.

Now thats tough as fucking nails

I had all 4 wisdom teeth taken out not too long ago…no insurance… and they were impacted. $2k… POOF gone
And then a fun dry socket followed.
And now i get food stuck where the bottom teeth used to be and have to use this retarded water jet thing to get it out.


Actually they really dont it was my own fault. Anyways i have no dental coverage and i found a hole in my molar.Long story short here i sit with a root canal and two fillings, my mouth is so numb i cant eat or i will bite off my tongue. No dental insurance=very poor now. sorry for the whining.


I have insurance and I still don’t go. eh, I gotta get my wisdom teeth out…and I’m dreading it.


I have insurance and I still don’t go. eh, I gotta get my wisdom teeth out…and I’m dreading it.


the gay part is that i just lost my insurance 6 months ago and was to lazy to go to the dentist. i am 21 and never had a cavity or anything and now i screwed myself up big time.