Desk Top Scheduler/Calender

I currently use Mozilla Sunbird, work okay, but I really want iCal or whatever it is call, anybody know of one like it or a place to get it for windows. or a better one, I am open to suggestions here.


You Sir, need a MAC :smiley:

if you are telling me to search i have, Im looking to see what other people have used, and which ones to stay away from, but hey thanks

i would love an iMac but i have all these programs that i needed to buy for this PC and most i would need to buy again, i think

chaz if your talking about your work machine i don’t even think your POS would work on MAC…all your adobe software would though…and limewire

the POS has a MAC version, i think the company will sell me that version for cheap, with exchange for my current copy, im pretty sure i spoke with them about it, but my C terminal is not supported by MAC, but I like the iCal, and really havent been happy with the Mozila.

Judgeing by Whiteys coment id say this didnt fit the regulations for an on topic, but i would have thought that everybody used some type of schedulure, and i hate outlook, er whatever comes with XP

i need to see this software…does it have to be on your front computer in the shop or can it be on the back one?

accesible from the front, is priority, or wait did you mean the CC machine, cause that can run threw the office, idk, my schedule get all F’d using this mozilla, i cant organize anytrhing, so i figured 1st step ask the boards.

dude… chill out…

  1. macs are garbage…

  2. i’m guessing whitey meant “google” desktop calendar…

and if you use that, use this

  1. You cant touch my Macbook Pro Core 2 Duo :slap:

  2. Buy a Mac… I love my iCal, it schedules my jobs perfect.

  3. Dont worry, I still love you Sonny, even you hate me and my OSX ways :slight_smile:
