Desktop build!

Yes i had ZERO interest at 750. figure $150 in the lcd and keyboard and mouse its a decent start for a $300 pc. Figure another 300/350 into it for a SSD, Memory and video card. Maybe a better cpu cooler and ill be set for a while. Nothing like buying something to play one game ;/

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Just found out the MB will not be able to SLI 2 cards. Didn’t know it was MB based :frowning: Anyone know if its true? Someone find me 1 good card then!!!

You need two PCI slots to SLI or Crossfire (AMD). Here’s a nice middle of the road board with enough slots and space for two cards.

I love Asus boards and had a bad experience with Gigabyte that left a bad taste in my mouth, so I won’t really consider their products. The 550Ti can probably handle your game. GTX 770 or Radeon R9 290 would be a nice single card.

I’m still playing Battlefield 4 with a rig I built for BF2. Maxed at 8GB of DDR3 (It has a DDR2/DDR3) split to show you how old it is. GTX 285, Q9550 Core 2 Quad processor.

There are 2 PCI x16 slots on the board. Am I better off buying newer card/cards or getting another of the same for cheap. So as long as there are the 2 PCI slots I can deff crossfire them? That would be my cheapest option. Deff not buying another board.

Yes and No, if you’ve ever dealt with these cards before, they are fucking big. I could barely get one in my old Antec 900 case. I put in my specs for this game and I was rated pretty high. I might go with a newer single GPU like the ones I listed.

Here was my rating.

Yes I used that also. Everything is way over 100% expect the graphics card. It rates around 40-45% by itself. I want to get something to be up with the rest at around 100 to at least run the game on high settings.

      • Updated - - - This is the system as its set up now. Like i said needs a decent improvement on the Video card department.

Even if i run 2 of those cards its not great

Your motherboard has to support SLI (or Crossfire in ATI/AMD space)

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The key is you need PCIe X16 Slots, preferabled ones that operate at X16 in SLI mode, most boards will only operate at X8 when both are used.

But as said who knows if i can even fit 2 in there, Ill be picking it up at 11. When i get home ill open her up and snap a few pics. Will maybe better understand what i have going on in there as far as space and whatnot.

Was looking at these, and even if the specs of the game as are predicted Id only be running around 70%. Trying to be at high settings across the board.

[ATTACH=CONFIG]33833[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]33832[/ATTACH]Well got it home and all cleaned up. Had about a inch of dust all over it. Just need to maybe pick up a wireless card (have it plugged into the ethernet) The inside Is a mess. Wires everywhere, and missing a top fan which I’ll order, along with some speakers. I’m pretty happy with the buy, when I got there I took a look and the copy of windows is real crappy. Tells you every startup it’s not genuine. Which I don’t care but got another $50 off :slight_smile: paid $400 for the whole setup.

Wireless card…blah. I wouldn’t do that, but ok. Can’t tell if you can run two cards or not. Looks like a smaller ATX board. Only two slots for RAM? Overall I think the price is a good one. Aside from the bootleg OS.

Like I said I alrdy ran a ethernet will prob stay that way. I bet if I found the right cards I could get 2 in there. There seems to be enough space. Might just stick with 1 and look for something priced around 200-250. Not sure what I’ll do with the OS. I like 7, may look for a legit copy

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Yea only 2 ram slots :frowning: will be sticking with the 8gb. The model number he gave showed 4 slots on newegg. This is prob a older board. O well, but first comes a SSD, a new fan, and a wire clean up.

Tiny update. Didn’t go with a 120gb. Found a smoking deal for a NIB Crucial 480gb ssd. Picked it up for $120. And has everything I needed at home from the ssd kit that was felt over from my MacBook ssd install. So how do I go about formatting and cloning to the SSD? Ill also search, just curious if there is a simple way about it.

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Also when all connected should the HD show right up? I used the existing provided sata power cable that has 3 or 4 connectors on it that’s used for the existing Hd and a new data cable that I plugged into the Sata2_2 plug on the MB… Am I missing a step?

The 4pin connectors are Molex for power. It’s typical used in 3.5" drives but is becoming less common. You should have two “L” shaped plugs for your SSD one about double the length of the other. One is data that goes to the Mobo, which it sounds like you did. The other should come off the power supply. Is your drive a SATAII or SATAIII drive? Load the BIOS and see if the drive shows up in there.

For cloning drives, which I’m not a huge fan of, I use EASEUS Disk Copy:


BIOS shows its there…

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[ATTACH=CONFIG]33853[/ATTACH]Shows up here too!

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Update… got it! Ended up having to go into Computer Management and assign the new disk a letter. After that it formatted itself and popped up into “my computer”. I haven’t had a PC since about 2009 when I picked up my MBP. A lot to remember again.

Good job on catching the bootleg os and getting a better discount.

Definitely can’t do sli/crossfire on a microatx board.

Still need a video card? I have a 5 month old AMD R7 265 that I bought for $160, but would sell it for $100. Works perfectly, zero issues. I bought a nice laptop, so I don’t really need it anymore. I have two of them, if your mobo can support two cards… for Crossfire. I can part with both of them, if you’re interested…

Is that 100% true? I mean im pretty sure I have room to fit 2 cards. Or the board just does not support it?
Also I did a google search for windows 7 key codes and found one that worked for activation. So no annoying message every startup and a pop up never hour saying the copy is fake.

Is it a PCIe x16 slot? I have not seen a micro atx motherboard, which is what you have, have multiple x16 slots. Which is a SLI requirement and even if it does have two x16 slots it doesn’t mean it supports SLI.

I have 2 PCI x16 slots YES.

What motherboard model