I’m just curious if anyone has used this program or not in trying to build an engine and if it was very accurate. My buddy asked me to find it and I forgot I even had it. I installed it to take a look yesterday and it was a lot more indepth than I though. You can put customs sizes for everything it asks for and it will calculated it but It look pretty indepth.
If anyone is interested I can give you a copy to take a look at.
I’m just curious how acurate it is. If it blows donkey dick is there any programs that people have used that produce pretty much what you created?
my roomate has it he said that the hp readings are very accurate but the torque numbers are way off. dont know exactly how wonderful it is but he seems to like it.
Originally posted by neonmike22 Desktop dyno seems like a decent program for building a V8 where the specs are easy to find. But getting flowbench numbers and things on a 4 cylinder or a 6 cylinder, along with the relatively vague intake and header info, doesn’t make for the most accurate numbers IMO.
How can that be since HP and torque are relative? Just the peak HP number was correct you mean?
With the 4 bangers and 6 bangers if you know the specs and put in your own values it will crunch the numbers. The version I have asks for all that. Its not as simple as after market headers - yes when filling it out.
I’m not sure if that is what you were getting at. In Mine they were asking for type of header then size and so forth. I’ll have to look into it more. The V8 stuff it has a bunch of pre set things for Chevy, Ford, Chrystler, Mopar and so forth as in the types of blocks, exhausts, and such. But you need sizes and values to make it all work in the custom selsction and as well with the preset stuff.
i didnt realize that there was a comment only about peak hp in the one comment. that is what my roomy was talkin about. the peake tq is way high but peak hp is pretty much dead on.