Detailer wanted....

As far as I know, we never met. Honestly I don’t want to get tangled up with characters like YOU either. If you’re going to judge me based upon a one sided story from someone else over the INTERNET… then I really can’t help you and all that does is show me how gullible you probably are. Bandwagons are like the cdta busses.



I don’t know what compelled you to write all of this offtopic shit out of nowhere, and on shift out of all places.

You know you can write me a message on facebook, or leave me a voicemail or send me a text if you felt some type of way towards me. Making these issues between you lance and me public isn’t necessary, its basically a show of bandwagon races and everyone giving their 2 cents into shit they know nothing about. (see madwabbit posts)

I fucking hate this forum but you made me come here and read all this shit and forced me to write a reply because I feel like you’re confused or something.

Please understand that :

I didn’t have , and don’t have any major issues with you.

I never directly, or indirectly STOLE anything from you at any point in time, ever…EVER

Yeah I stopped talking to you but it was for different reasons, and not for the reasons you might have assumed.

Me and Jammer go way back and he’s made a huge impact on my life as a whole and that comes through years of knowing him, It’s unlikely anyone can come close to being as cool as jammer has been to me. He always says how I help everyone out all the time, but he does the same thing and has helped me out over and over again. No one else has, and I don’t expect them too, but you best bet it that if he ever needs something that I can help with I’ll always be there.

You helped me out a good bit when I used to fuck with you back when lance worked at the shop etc. I appreciate all that and still do.

Also don’t forget, 400-500$ to pick up a hottub was a little off, the tub was 500 because I called the guy for you and negotiated that shit 50 bucks down and you gave me $150-200 to pick it up, which included the gas and what I paid for my helper too. NOT bad tho I still needed the work and was MORE than happy to do it for you. With numbers like 400-500 tho you’re going to confuse others.

Same for the bike in long island, you hooked me up with an extra $50 because the gas was much more than expected, and I appreciated that, but please I didn’t make $400 profit to pick that up, don’t confuse anyone on here. I made 150-200 to drive down there and bring it back. I was more than happy to do it for that price so don’t get me wrong.

This is what you need to understand

When I met you, you hooked me up with a lot of cheap shit and gave me a lot of deals and it was really cool. I’m very thankful for that.

You think I stopped fucking with you because of whatever reason, but this is the real reason… I noticed since I met you that you changed a lot as a person and it was affecting my ability to keep considering you as a close friend and someone I could trust and feel comfortable with.

I feel like you changed a lot and are becoming just like your dad. You became so paranoid about shit that maybe me or lance was doing that you let it control the way you thought. I honestly believe you either trust someone or you don’t. There shouldn’t be any inbetween.

That’s just my opinion based on what i’ve seen. Honestly your dad is just horrible… and I don’t need to, or want to go into details explaining why I feel that way, you know already without me saying.

I felt this way and decided to distance myself from you, because I rather leave the relationship we had as decent friends the way it was, rather than confront you with issues and concerns you would not understand. I decided to step back and let you do your thing and I would do mine.

Unfortunately during times with no communication people automatically assume negative, and you probably thought a bunch of different reasons for why I wasn’t talking to you anymore. None of it had to do with lance and none of it was because I was scared or directly/indirectly took or stole from you.

Not at all.

It upsets me in a way that we can’t be friends like that anymore, an

This is what believe in and this is why I do things differently sometimes than what might be expected.

Yes, you shouldn’t have jumped on a fucking bandwagon and just went with the flow of “YEA FUCK SINGH HE READ LIKE 40 THOUSAND PM’S WITH ALL MY PERSONAL INFORMATION”.
Some advice for you is don’t take the shit people say about someone else like its solid evidence. When people talk shit about someone else it says more about THEM then it does the person they are talking about.
I didn’t burn any bridges and I explained EVERYTHING about why I did what I did when and before I left shift. Yeah I justified everything as usual but at least I replied and explained myself while everyone was too busy pointing fingers and making their minds up while I haven’t even had a chance to respond for my damn self.

I don’t.
I could be a lot richer right now if I didn’t turn around and help everytime someone told me something wasn’t right or something was wrong with what I sold them. I would have a lot of cash in my pockets if I decided to fuck my friends over.
I don’t do that and never plan to. I value the relationships I have with the people that surround me.
The people that surround me are there because I want them to be, and for a while I put Dave around me because I felt like me and him were pretty similar. Turns out we aren’t. Dave will have a lot of money and I will have quality people in my circle.
I could have a lot of money, and Dave could have quality people in his life, but the choices we make change that.

We will pay the whole business off, don’t worry.

The bottom line is, im tired of he say she say shit.


I don’t have time for the fucking bullshit, I’m not MAD at anyone at all. At this point in my life I’m just making shit happen for me and the few people I have around me. I don’t care about fucking CARS and clothes and stupid nonsense.

Dave I hope you understand, and if you don’t I really don’t have the time for the back and fourth , it is what it is.

for everyone else, i don’t know why you read this fucking shit… what difference is this making in your life? worry about the shit you got going on and make some moves or something.