Private Investigator Fun

Okay ill keep it brief and easy.

I have a customer that bailed out on a bill, its not much, but after discussing it with him personally, i decided it was now principle more so than monetary so of the 3 odd thousand members of this forum im sure 1 of ya’ll knows him.

Heres what i have

Real name
- Rudy
Fake Name- Ray
Ethnicity - Black
Height- 6’2"-6’4"
Weight- 220lbs - 250lbs
Job- Formally a detailer at P&W Motors, now a detailer at Foreign Traffic in Hampton
Drives- 2000/01 4 door 3 ?series? BMW with Blue window tint

PM me any info youve got, I cant stand scammers!

I think i’ve seen him at Foreign Traffic, He was moving cars around while I was looking at some.

Wait a sec…a detailer drives a 3 series? Sounds like he is over-extending himself a little bit. Unless detailers make a lot more than I think they do. No wonder he didn’t pay your bill.

any pic’s

You know where he works? WTF Go talk to him at his job yourself.

send him a registered letter… he has 15 days to pay… if not, then the district justice will take care of the rest for you. :slight_smile:

Send team skinny over

Hell yea, Team Skinny Towing repo service! Or call Bill Lindsay or Bob Chisolm and be like…your detailer is a POS

So much for keeping it brief,

A. I went and talked to him face to face already, other than his constant stomping towards my face, he told me its goona get real bad for me if i persue the payment.

B. I talked to Rob out there, he told me it was not a problem between them and me, and he didnt want to be involved.

theres more id rather not get into.

next person to drive past please stop and get the plate number for me, if i go there again its goona be bad.

ill bet theres a bank out there trying to repo his car, he just seems like the type to do this all over town…

where does he work …where exactly on rt8

cheeks & slowmaro :rofl::rofl: is he a wet papper bag?

i referance food landmarks for ya,
next to chinese buffet, south of subway, north or wendys/KFC 2 building before Buskeys motel

Brian! what are you and Mater doing tommorow?

watching team skinny go down

Possible 3 series on blocks soon?

team skinny = fat fucks towing service

i work right across the street from foreign traffic.

Well, if it’s going to “Get real bad” for you, it’s time to involve the authorities.

Or chain his rear axle attatched to a light pole, and watch him try to drive away.

What color 3-Series? Maybe I’ll stop by tomorrow to check out some cars.

Just a personal opinion here, but is this really the best way to handle a business situation like this?