Detriot Area meets June 5 and July 10

Hello all,

I thought I would inform the SON community about the two Nissan Infiniti meets that are being planned in the Detroit area. It might even be closer for some to come to the dirty D then Toronto.
The first will be at Dick Scott Nissan in Canton Mi on june 5th 2010
The second is being scheduled for july 10 2010 at Boyland Nissan in Macomb Mi

For those of you that are close and are willing to hop the border we would love to see from you. Last years turn out was pretty good given the amount of Nissan and Infiniti in the area, but I think the SON comunity could give it a big ol Canadian boost.
Let me know if any of you would be interested or have any questions.
I’ll post any more info that I get.

Can’t wait for Woodward this year… SSSIIIIQQQQ!!!

DUHHHH I can’t believe I didn’t mention that.
If anyone doesn’t know what the woodward dream cruse is, you should. If you like classic cars this is especially the place for you. August 21 or anytime the week before that. Have a look if you don’t know (, its like traveling through time… but for cars.
If anyone is planning to go give me a shout, maybe a get-togeather before the cruse. I am just a few Km from the hot spots of the cruse and have a great location for a mini meet.

i believe we are going to do an official cruise to Woodward this year

Woodward cruise is baaaddd assssss. I’ve been a couple of times as I frequent the D. I’m planning on being down there this year for it. If there is going to be a meet, I’d definitely drop by.