Diamond Earrings

Eh, I guess you are, or hang out with, the wrong girls. My girl doesn’t ever “expect” anything. I just knew she always loved Tiffany stuff and didn’t have anything from them. At that time in my life the $300ish I spent was all I could afford… but I remembered she had noticed a particular braclet in a TV show and she had commented on how she always loved that one before it was popular. So I called up her best friend because I knew I’d never get the right one, and she helped me find it. The fact that I remembered, that I went to the effort to get her friend in on the deal, and that little blue box is what counted. Not that it was $X or whatever. If I just would have walked in and bought the cheapest thing in the store with no thought behind it that wouldn’t have been special.

It was a lot less than $1000 and it cetainly wasn’t worthless to her. And just because you get her something of a particular value I would hope should doesn’t expect you to spend some multiple more next year. That’s bad news bears…