Did my taxes :(

Done. Went from -$1700 to $600. werd. :slight_smile:

Death and taxes, the two things that wont dissapear or go anywhere.

Gotta love NYS. I claim 0/Single and get raped with taxes all year long yet at the end of the year they still want more. I guess next year my cat is getting a social security number and getting claimed as a dependant.

Bring it to nursing homes and claim it as a working pet. :rofl

+1. Taxed at 47% of total gross right now. :shifty

right there with ya Jmobile 45%

goddamn thievery right there

Robbery without a gun.

I also like how the gov’t refers to it as us “paying taxes”. Well we kinda do, but mainly they take them first. We pay later as well, but we dont pay when we get our checks. They take it. We cant NOT pay.

Dude, you work for the state. Part of my 47% makes it so you can put food on the table. You are the last person to be bitching about paying taxes.

I pay close to half as well, sir.

Ok, and do you realize that if you paid less you’d take a pay cut?

lol, yeah you have to love the wording they use. I think “take” is much more approapriate for what they do.

You PAY for police protection, government programs, and the general ability to pursue your wildest ambitions. It’s just mandatory that you pay for them just like everyone else.

Ok so if I pay for police protection why do I have to PAY again when I don’t have a license plate on the front of my car?

Because the police have mandated certain requirements for your vehicle so they can adequately protect the other good citizens of the town.



Every year I pay taxes in two countries- neither of which I am a citizen of. Won’t be reaping any benefits soon, or ever. Boo.

At least you guys will get something back someday from the government…

Solution = gain citizenship somewhere then to get something back from the government some day.

I have citizenship in my home country… It just so happens that I haven’t lived there for a long time.

As for “getting citizenship” somewhere else… Easier said than done.