federal taxes!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhaghhhhehairball!!!!

anyone notice that your paycheck was a few $$ short? well thats because the fucking federal taxes went up. i was so fucking pissed last night it wasnt funny. i mean it was only like $5 but still!!! thats fucking $120 a year that i dont have.

hey man, as long as they use that shit to fix roadways and bridges and shit i use all the time it’s cool with me.


You might have to sell you cat E! Oh NO!!!


ugh. yeah. :frowning:

o come on, they tell us we are getting stimulated then take more from us. they wont fix shit. its being taken from us to pay the US debt.

I’m going to go stimulate myself right now while thinking about the basically free school that’s being given to me on deadbeat’s dollar. :rofl

ur as dumb as a rock and will end up failing out and having to pay for it anyways, who u kidding?

ACC Dean’s list says otherwise. :rofl :rofl :rofl

ACC, nuf said

you should stop complaining.

I claim zero single, have $200 taken out of my paycheck every paycheck and then still end up having to pay a good $600-1000 at the end of the year.

I hate taxes

taxes make me


Location: Saratoga NY


LOL If you’re mad about that, wait til we all have to pay for Mr. Obama’s spending spree.

cant wait to pay for obamas follies.

fuck obama!!! i wil steal his daughters virginity

^ To late, hehehe

around a 3rd of my paycheck is taken every week in taxes. It blows.

I get $178 taken out of my check each week. I make almost 10k less a year because of taxes.

^ ugh same here, just under 10k in taxes.