Did you buy any Airborne? Get $$ back.


Covers up to 6 boxes if you don’t have the receipt.You can get like $60 max.

Found this on another forum,people are filling it out even though they didn’t buy it.:nono:

saw this a few days ago…I def. bought this product so I filed for the hell of it…ya never know.

whoa, what did I miss? what happened with this stuff?

They falsified claims that it was scientifically tested and it wasn’t. IF the suit goes through they will have to pay out $23MM.

ugh, my stomach hates this shit

haha it’s just a fuck ton of vitamin C, what do you need to scientifically test it for? personally i prefer Emergen-C, because it doesn’t taste terrible.

I took this stuff before when I was flying a lot because of all the nasty people who you’re trapped in a plane with. Tasted pretty shitty.

A Co-Worker of mine took it and had multiple seizures within a month later and also got extremely sick. He was only 19 at the time too.

Welcome to the Information Website for
Wilson v. Airborne, Inc. et al.
Case No. EDC V07-770 VAP (OPx)
(Last updated on February 29, 2008)


A Settlement has been proposed in a class action lawsuit that alleges that Airborne Health, Inc. (and other defendants) (“Airborne”) falsely advertised certain therapeutic properties, including the ability to cure or prevent the common cold, when marketing products under the Airborne brand name, as listed below. Defendants deny any wrongdoing or illegal conduct but have agreed to settle the litigation. This website provides information on the lawsuit and proposed Settlement. Click here to download the complete Settlement Agreement.

On November 29, 2007, the District Court for the Central District of California entered an order preliminarily approving the proposed Settlement. Click here to download that Order. The Court has scheduled a hearing on June 16, 2008 at 10:00 am, to consider final approval of the Settlement.

The hearing will take place at:

    United States District Court
    Central District of California -- Eastern Division
    Riverside Courthouse, Courtroom 2
    3470 Twelfth Street
    Riverside, CA 92501

This website will be updated periodically. Please check back on this website for updates on the status of the Settlement approval.


One of our friends swore by this stuff and actually got mad at me when I told her it was bullshit. I’m forwarding this to her right now.


what stores used to sell this?

What happened to eating healthy?


It’s the American way to do as little as possible and bitch with things don’t come out how you want them. Why eat healthy and take care of yourself when you can put and belt around your waste to keep off the gut and load up on pills to kelp you skinny and healthy?

So you can falsify a claim?

I’m pretty sure it was sold at any normal grocery store.

It was sold at target for sure.

I just seen it on their discount rack for like 99 cents a box.


Pretty much all grocery/drug stores sold it.

It’s still in stock at TOPS as of yesterday.

fucking Bob barker advertised this shit on the price is right.