dirtbike question

well sorry for all of the posts, ive had a couple days off and ive been trying to get a lot done. Now I have a dirtbike question for any dirtbike people. I have a 03 drz 125 and it has been running like ass. I took apart the carb a few weeks ago cleaned and messed with the jets so that might be a reason but all the gears bog terrible when full throttle and backfire. Also the motor makes a weird noise like its trying to push air out, just doesn’t seem normal. and then my clutch is all screwey, its always engaged and when in 1st it will just keep going without any throttle. But sometimes its normal. If any one can help or near Amherst area id greatly appreciate it and obviously pay for any work done by anyone. Please let me know. don’t really have a way of transporting it btw

I was about to refer you to DirtyE30 (Bryan) as he’s a real whiz with the dirtbikes…but you mention not being able to transport to his shop really.

is this 2-stroke or 4-stroke? if 2, what kinda mixture are you putting into the tank?

regardless of 2/4 stroke, how old is the fuel in it?

was it running better before you messed with the carbs?

what do you mean by “messed with the jets” ?

Sounds like an awful lot of variables here. disassembling and cleaning the carbs is one thing, but if you changed jet sizes without having change intake or exhaust then you’ve messed it all up.

It’s a 4 stroke and fresh gas but I looked up how many turns on the jets and I did to the specs online but prob messed something up. All I did was different turns on accident in the first place and then tried to correct it lol. But yea ran shitty before I clean the carb. I also fresh oil, spark plug, filter etc. where is his shop? I guess I can just take the motor out

taking the motor out isn’t really going to help…but he’s located on harlem rd near the 33. really don’t know anyone with a truck you could throw $10 to drop it off?

Yeah I can figure it out. Thanks man!