Discussion: RICE or NICE??

Rice looks amazing but doesn’t perform?
I always thought the definition of rice is that the owner thinks it’s the shit, where 99% of the gen pop think it’s SHIT.
Then again, I wouldn’t say these cars are rice. Just reaaaaly f*in ugly.

i like wearing ear plugs to drive my car daily :wink:

I’d rather have damaged aero from driving than mint aero from hardparking.

When a car spends most of it’s life on a flat track I don’t think ride height is too big of an issue.

I assume we all know the reasoning behind this.
a) smaller tires = cheaper tires
b) stretched sidewalls = less sidewall flex
c) cars can go lower without worrying if the tire will clear anything.

Don’t we have son240sx stickers? It’s association and advertising. It helps to support the industry so that more people go out and buy parts and thus, parts become more readily available and cheaper. This is the same with events.

The cars are built for drift. ALL cars on the d1 circuit, etc. are LOADED with vinyl, have crazy wheels, and super agressive aero. Looks are necessary for achieving points. It’s all a part of the game. Don’t like it? Don’t do it.

Why go out of your way to point out anybody’s car is ridiculous unless you had something against them personally?

Nice one John…

I agree…

I think they look really good, and at the same time I think they look like shit. They’re supposed to be over the top and be totally impracticle, I’m not a big fan of the aero but it goes well with the rest of their car. Both rims are sick and I would rock in a heart beat.

The biggest thing I hate about those cars is how they do almost no body work, they paint right over massive dents, they don’t sand the aero at all. You can see how wavey the side skirts are, and the texture in the rear over fenders. But at the sametime with how often they smash their shit I wouldn’t put much work into it eithor.

I don’t care for eithor of the people who own the cars, I hate the whole ziptied circle jerk shit, but they’re still sick rides in their own way.

The s13 looked a lot better before with the pink stickers


i guess im looking at it from more of a circut driving perspective.

in wich case… the cars are probly the stupidest things ever…

for drift sure… they work well… but for anything else… the cars are useless.

but meh… to each his own.


wait… there’s such thing as a non-drift 240sx?

i don’t believe you.

It’s true.

Nissan built a few thousand 240’s with a non drift option. It was a huge failure. aZns everywhere were disgruntled and picketed the Nissan Headquarters in Kuala Lumpur.

yes they are well set up track cars. and all

im just tired of the fucking california scene, the attitude that comes from there just piss’s me off.

they think they do everything better than anyone else.

they do.

jesse make sure you say that right.

they are well set up DRIFT cars.

not track cars.


Oh come on, battle scars were cool 2 years ago. The only reason one pretends to love battle scars is to make light of their mistakes.

these cars are still daily drivers, tehy see weekend track duty. IE. lower it for the track / show. Make is suitable for the street. ESPECIALLY in Cali where this kind of car could be removed from the road for any one of 1000 reasons by any police officer without contest.

a hotly debated subject, all of those reasons have more reasonable alternatives. run-flats, tire sponsorship, investing more time into suspension set up.

There are as many drawbacks, or more, than there are gains. In the end its just style. Especially when you consider its average or below average tires being stretched.

If you want more performance, buy better tires. Not like tire cost is a problem in competitive motorsport.

subjective, personal choice there is no definitive answer

these cars are daily drivers that double as track cars. wearing this stuff on the street is not practical and i dont do it

This wasnt supposed to be an arguement, it was supposed to get people’s opinion on the subject. Obviously many people are not impressed by it which i thought would be the case.

being a good driver or going to the track every weekend says a great deal about the individual and nothing about the car. One can go to the track and drift or circuit race in any number of cars with a variety of set ups. There are many many things on these cars that do not serve a function aside from, as you agreed, looking the part.

i dont have anything personal against these guys at all, they are not their cars. I simply wondered if people were as unimpressed by the cars as i was and i have found that there are many people who are.

In the end the only people that go ga-ga over these cars are groupies or other people with equally poor taste. Seeing as how no one in this thread has built a car like that i take it as concensus that everyone at least partially agrees.

Bing if I see your car and it has zero wheel gap Im gonna…


nah i am not going to lower my car anymore i dont think.

after driving it i think that will do. however, i really have to get the alignmenst straight and put the lip on for a week or so before i make the final call.

runflats such they are stiff as shit and heavy

when i was refering them as track cars i was meaning track drift cars

thos things would be so hard to drift on the general street. they would be bouncing around like a fat chick on a trampoline

You are all wrong.
I have the Origin Aggressive kit as my signature shows, which I think is the same kit in the picture on teh s14. Is the kit heavy? no. FRP is just as light as stock plastic bumper.
I am not a drifter and I think battle scars are gay.
I’m a ricer in the sense that I like my car nice and clean, but a true ricer is one with a vtec sticker on a neon.
Stickers are rice, rice is fine as long as it’s not burnt rice or bad rice. I like good rice, like a CF interior which looks good without any performance gains. Therefore, i must conclude that everybody has their own tastes and I’m not going to flame ricers, except those with cut springs and a hole in the exhaust and a exhuast tipp…
As for wheels I am rocking R33 GTR wheels with 25mm spacers in the front and 30mm spacers in the rear. flush? yes. it is beyond flush. rice? yes. but i needed the spacers to clear the coilovers. stretcheed tires? yes. drift? no.
now as for the height i would be stupid to have that height for street and for track. for drift it should be ok but for grip as bing said there is no room for rebound.

oh by the way the comment about vis invader on preludes… I have a CF vis invader hood flame away

as distasteful as it sounds i actually like the kit a lot and although in the silver S14 and it’s fine with the stickers.

i have not received any comments about my car being rice ever, although I have not installed the bodykit yet. nobody has talked shit about the hood, or the vents in the chargespeed front fenders I got. the kit will be installed very soon and I will take pictures of the car and post it up.

and when you see my pics and think it is rice, feel free to say it to my face because i’ll just laugh when i look at your stock rusted s13. (no disrespect to all other respectable s13 owners)

As for effects of aerodynamics, i doubt it will matter even for a grip driver on a circuit at my skill level. As long as it doesnt generate positive lift I’m fine with that. As long ist it doesn’t generate a ridiculous amount of drag co-efficient I am also fine with that. Judging the kit from the looks although it’s big and agressive it doesnt seem it will have the negative effects that i just mentioned other than weighing a bit more.

id have to agree with most of you in saying that at osme point a “nice” looking car can become rediculous but there are certainly better pics than that on ZT of that car

well, i dont think that kit looks well on the s13 hatch. especially the rear.

i think it looks fine on a s14, thats why i got it.